lightly touches
Hands – hands ghd pink are grip (palms up, tiger’s mouth relative) bar, the grip from the shoulder to slightly wide. The barbell bar pressure in the palm of the hand, so as to make the weight of the barbell is conveyed directly through the wrist to the elbow. Wrist – to avoid over backwards Fanwan. Should maintain the integrity of the wrist position to evenly disperse the force to protect the joints. Arm – the highest point reached in the bar, you can straighten your arms, you can also lock the elbow; to do so not only will not hurt you, but also helps you get better range of motion. Decentralization of the bar when the bar lightly touches your chest. Chest – the barbell rod around the nipple or nipple slightly into the next position. If the nipple too far above or below the shoulder joint will be too much pressure will therefore increase the difficulty of the exercise. Eyes – half in action on the center pole when the pegged to the barbell, but do not tighten the chin, staring at the lower levels, and hold live barbell bar, it should be natural visual top elected to focus on the weight of the barbell again to return to view. Head – time to make the head flat on the training bench. When you feel the neck or upper back under too much pressure, you can turn the head to make the appropriate adjustments. Elbow – so the elbow in the side of the body, rather than outward expansion, to ensure that the arm perpendicular to the ground. Legs – feet flat on the ground, the legs naturally open, showing the letter “V” shape, knees bent 90 degrees. Feet – your feet should always be flat on the ground, the toes can be opened to better maintain the proper balance. When you push too hard when lifting weight, you can move the foot position right, you can help Dianqi Gongyao toes to ghd hair straighteners match.