Beautiful White Golden Retriever Puppies
Black on white has always attracted more attention than any other color combination and this is true of these puppies too. This rare category is developed by the process of breeding Due to its marvelous appearance the breeding of golden retriever dogs have gained too much popularity nowadays It is rather easy to identify them . More and more dog lovers are asking for this breed The demand is so high that it has escalated the price of these white golden retriever puppies They well understand and recognize this rare breed. Its unique attraction enabled the same to grab the remarkable name ‘white golden retriever’ all over the world It is quite unlucky for them , as they are prohibited from being exhibited in the dog shows
The pure breed of golden retriever dog does not always appear in white color Very light creamy color and the other shades of this family can be seen in the pure golden retriever It is during the early stages of growth that the coat color of these puppies gets transformed to snowy white The coat changes to snowy white while they are still very young Then gradually their color becomes creamy in appearance They fall in the category of sharp minded dogs. Every family wants an intelligent dog for the house. They are quite serene and beautiful and this enhanced their quality of intelligence. Even the structure of their face lends them that extra bit of sharp brain. Their head which is triangular in its shape also makes it more committed to the known faces. Even the color of their eyes give them that committed look , when you see them.
They both are quite distinctly different to each other The British puppies have a muzzle which is wider and shorter. The foreheads of British dogs are blocky in appearance with deeper chest The kegs are shorter when compared to the American white golden retriever puppies The eyes of British puppies are round in shape with dark sparkling color Their eyes are dark in color The black is a contract to their light colored body and that’s why the eyes shine even more . These definitely more attractive features gives them an edge over their American counterparts. They love to sit in water and splash it as they enjoy the water feel so much. You cannot help but pick them up in your lap and cuddle them repeatedly.
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