Facts About Auto Insurance You Should Know
When shopping for an auto insurance policy, you must remember two things. The insurance providers calculate the premium you pay based on the risk you car will be subjected to during the term of the insurance. If you could gather relevant information that are factored in the computation of your premium, then you could save yourself quite a bit of money.
Cars are classified under various categories while determining the insurance premium. They fall under category 1 to 20 of which the ones under category 1 invite the least premium while the ones under category 2o , that is the luxury cars have to pay the most towards insurance. If your car falls under the lower categories, then you will be paying less to get it insured.
As the insurance companies arrive at the insurance cost depending on the risk and the security of the car, having good alarm systems, tracking device and anti-theft system installed in your car will mean your insurer will view you favorably and offer you a lower auto insurance quote.
Another factor to consider is that many insurance companies charge less premium for cars with lighter color. This is because these cars are more visible during the night time. So, the chance of accidents or getting rear-ended is that much lesser as opposed to the dark colored cars that stand a higher chance of getting bumped into and hence , have to pay a higher premium.
The place where you park you car will also likely affect the premium. If you park your vehicle in your garage, then this will positively affect the cost of your auto insurance. But if the vehicle is parked on the streets then your policy price will likely be higher. This is because in the former case your vehicle is safer and has less chances of being stolen.
This may surprise you but your marital status may also significantly affect the price of your insurance policy. This is because statistics reveal that a family person is less likely to drive at a higher speed. This reduces the chance of getting involved in a car accident. So, you would be credited as a responsible driver and offered a cheaper auto insurance quote while if you are a bachelor or young, then you may not get such benefits.
Another parameter that is taken into account is the miles you drive. The lesser you drive , the lower the possibility of accident and the lower your auto insurance rate will be. If you take note of these points and then visit an auto insurance agency, you will be in a better position to negotiate a cheaper auto insurance policy.
Looking for inexpensive auto insurance quotes ? Visit auto insurance specialists today.