Basic Information on DVDs
DVD is an acronym for Digital Video Disc or Digital Versatile Disc. It is a really popular media format which makes use of optical methods of data storage. It saw its origin by the combined efforts of organizations like Philips, Sony, Toshiba and Time Warner in the year 1995. DVDs are meant to be an advancement in the technology of Compact Disc’s. Even though of the very same dimension, DVDs are capable of storing data many folds than that of CD’s. Here, in this report, let us know something about the history of DVDs and the technology involved in them.
After the introduction of CD’s in the early 90’s there have been numerous studies carried out on the enhancement of the technology by various companies seeing the vast opportunities before them. Companies began to have cold war about the different formats of disc’s which they were bringing up. It is in this scenario that Philips and Sony, two of the large companies in the marketplace, came into an understanding and made the decision to work together. Later, Toshiba and Time Warner also came into the forefront and as a result of their works, the first DVD formats were officially launched by Toshiba in Japan in the year 1996.
The storage of an ordinary Compact Disc is 700 MB. For DVDs the typical, common storage area is 4.37 GB, which is a little more than 6 times the capacity of a CD. There are also DVDs with storage as low as 1.36 GB to storage as large as 15.90 GB. The largest acceptance for the new technology of DVDs were from the music industry and the VHS industry. Heavy and large video tapes have been shortly replaced by light and small CD’s and DVDs.
As opposed to the 780 nm wavelength laser diode light employed for storing in CD’s, DVDs use 650 nm wavelength. This is the reason for the increased capacity of DVDs as it provides more space. The variations of DVDs are determined in the way of storage in them. There are DVD ROM’s (read only memory- which have data which can only be read), DVD R’s (which are recordable), DVD RW’s (which are rewritable) and DVD RAM’s (random access memory- one more type of rewritable discs).
Blue Ray Discs and HD DVDs are the successors of DVDs, with higher storage capacities. Blue Ray is the one which is dominating though, with storage up to 50 GB. Fantastic developments are taking place in the industry all over the world in expanding the capacity of these discs.
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