Diamond and platinum are great combo for wedding rings

Diamonds are always companion of wedding. Wedding rings or engagement rings or bands can not be imagined without a diamond on it. Making the wedding gala more happening and splendid are the main motto of diamond. You can see there are types of designs and shapes and color of diamonds. There are many vital things to look out before buying a diamond wedding ring or just the loose diamond.

Buy your diamond with real experience and with your own view. It is really a silly decision to choose a diamond after reading about it. Look at them first and compare with other diamonds. The beauty of a diamond cannot be sufficiently captured in words. The sense of beauty defers from man to man. So it is good to choose according to your choice your bride’s choice.
Comfort level is another thing to look at while shopping. To make your shopping a comfortable and pleasurable experience the atmosphere of the store must be of good quality and the stock should match your desire and necessity.
Always examine the diamond with the microscope not with a loupe. All the defects and short comings will be detected through the particular technology. So, understand exactly what you are buying. You must not deserve to be cheated by the merchant when buying.
Make sure the sales consultant showing you the diamonds is a trained Gemologists or Diamondtologists. A properly educated consultant can make your diamond shopping simple and fun. Also make sure that the jeweler specializes in diamonds, not a part-timer claming specialty.

Diamonds and platinum creates a unmatched combo with each other. Just have a look on platinum too. With a lot of artisans and jewelry designers, there are perhaps a thousand styles to choose from, Victorian, Zen, Regency. One of the more modern styles is the one that uses the platinum as the setting. Unlike yellow gold and white gold, platinum has only gained ground in recent years. Brides are drawn to its unique color and luster. Platinum, in fact, is actually more expensive than gold.

This is because platinum is much harder to obtain and manufacture than gold or silver. In mining terms, it will take ten tons of ore to be able to produce an ounce of platinum. This is compared to the only three to four tons of ore that one needs to make an ounce of gold. In addition, there are also fewer platinum mines as compared to gold mines. In virtue of the laws of supply and demand, is it any wonder that the platinum diamond ring that you have been salivating for months now threaten to burn a hole in your pocket?

When selecting a platinum diamond wedding ring, it is important that you look for the signage or engraving that says PLAT or PT950. This means that the platinum is genuine and that it is 95 percent pure platinum. Without these, do not buy as you may be buying something that is not worth your money.

A wedding band is a symbol of love and commitment of a couple towards each other; the wedding ring keeps the relation of a couple intact, no matter how far they are from each other. The ritual of using wedding bands is prevalent in almost all cultures of mankind.

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