How to Fight Blackheads
Even though they don’t produce as much alarm as pimples, blackheads can still be discouraging when found in the skin. But what exactly are blackheads? For most people, they are those small black spots usually scattered on a person’s t-zone. However, what most people don’t know is that blackheads are a variation of acne vulgaris or what is commonly referred to as acne.
Scientifically speaking, they are referred as open comedones. The condition is a result of an accumulation of oil in the sebaceous gland ducts. It is referred to as “open” because there is a large entrance to the skin surface, allowing air to reach it so that oxidation takes place, giving it its “black” color. In contrast, whiteheads are close comedones, meaning the entrance for air is closed thus preventing oxidation.
How to Get Rid of Blackheads
If you want to learn how to remove blackheads, then understand first that it’s not necessary to remove them. In fact, overtime, the body is capable of removing it by itself. However, if you want fast results, then there are various methods that you can adapt.
As previously mentioned, blackheads come under the subheading of acne. Hence, acne medications are equally suited for the purpose. Try using a mild cleanser or salicylic acid to get rid of the problem.
Blackheads Strip
One of the most popular methods of how to remove blackheads is by using strips that are plastered on the nose. The great thing about this method is that it’s fast and gives sure results. The whole process takes about ten minutes to finish and manages to remove most of the unsightly blackheads off. Doing so at least once a week will not only help remove the blackheads but might also ultimately tighten the opening of the pores.
Sun Exposure
Another method you might not have hear about is using the sun to remove blackheads. The sun in itself promotes the peeling of the skin, thus removing possible blockages in the pores and ultimately the blackheads themselves. Keep in mind that the keyword here is moderation.
Squeezing Blackheads
Those who bother to learn how to get rid of blackheads are perfectly aware that like pimples, blackheads must not be popped or squeezed. Again, the body has the ability to get rid of blackheads naturally so you really don’t have to speed up the process. However, you might find that popping blackheads will only cause additional irritation to the skin, spreading the bacteria and thus leaving room for more complexion problems.
Still, for those who really want those blackheads gone by your own hands, then you should go out and buy a blackhead extractor for efficiency. The use of fingers is also possible although you will want to wash your hands first as well as steam your face to soften the blockage in your pores.
Also, keep in mind that the only blockheads to pop are the ones that are ready to burst. Otherwise, you will be making a bigger problem than fixing one.
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