Saving Money With the New Energy Efficient Water Heaters
Most households to not put much importance on the water heater that they are using except when they are constructing a new house or have caught the love your environment bug and in the process of making their abode more energy efficient. It is a good bet to assume that most people do not put much thought on how their water gets heated and would only buy a new water heater when the old one have stopped working.
There is a wider selection of water heaters for consumers to choose from. Advances in technology have developed the environment friendly tankless water heater, but even the traditional tank heaters now have energy efficient models. Since it is estimated that up to 30% of a regular household’s energy budget is used on heating water, it is easy to realize that shifting to an eco-friendly model will pay for itself in the long run.
A storage -type water heater cost less than their tankless counterparts. Available in 20 to 80 gallon capacity, they function by warming the water to a set temperature and automatically turn off when the desired temperature is reached. Water used is automatically replaced in the tank which again turns on thewater heater to the set temperature. Some energy loss results because the heater maintains the water temperature to a set level in the tank.
When you have a limited budget or when the household have several places that have to be supplied with hot water at the same time, a storage tank water heater ins your ideal choice. The tank capacity must be based on how many gallons your household needs during the peak hours of use. The FHR or first hour rating is the number of gallons of hot water your water heater can deliver per hour. It should be a few gallons more than your peak hour usage. Avoid buying a tank that is too big for your needs. This will result to double jeopardy on your part, larger tanks will cost more initially and would be more expensive in terms of energy cost as you would be heating water that you will not need.
You must also look at the energy factor (EF) and avoid buying based on cost and size. A higher EF rating means better energy efficiency and better insulation on the tank which is also important.
No tank on the other hand means no energy wasted in standby costs. Water is heated as needed when the tap is turned on as the water flows through the pipes into a water heating element. The main disadvantage of a tankless water heater is its capacity. Most can only provide from 2 to 5 gallons of hot water per minute. Gas fueled models can supply a little more.
A tankless water heater is best when energy efficiency is your concern. When you are constructing a new home and have a bigger initial budget and gas fuel supply, this may be your best alternative.
Depending on your house condition, budget and hot water consumption, an energy efficient water heater is a better choice than your old energy hungry model. It is safer to use and will pay for its initial cost in the long run.
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