Important Pointers to Ensure Brochure Quality

What should you do to guarantee that printed brochures’ final quality is outstanding? Online printer reviews suggest that you need to have a checklist. A brochure checklist ensures that any errors or flaws that creep into a brochure in the process of preparation are removed before the brochure is sent for printing. By using a checklist to scrutinize your brochure you guarantee the quality of an important sales tool. Using a brochure checklist may not be all in the day’s work but its well worth the effort. So make sure to check your brochure against the checklist given below before rolling it of the presses.

The following are the main areas you need to check up on in a brochure printing activity before paying for it:

Typography. This has something to do with spelling, grammar, font size, hyphens and spacing of words or sentences. You need to ensure that no more than three lines are ending in a hyphen. (If you use the symbol of hyphen too many times, it breaks the flow and jars the reader’s concentration.) See to it that consistent spacing has been used. This is essential for an overall neatness and pleasant appearance. Nothing can be more irritating to a reader than to have his thought process broken in the middle of reading a page; that is why you need to ensure that the double spaces are not present. And if they are, remove them right away. Again it is vital for a neat appearance which allows for more content to be included in your marketing tool.

Color.  According to printplace reviews color is crucial to a brochure because they create the most impact. If you want to make the maximum impression on your customer, pay undivided attention to this aspect. By using the right colors in your brochure, it can do more good than the most well chosen words. Remember this design pointer: when working on your brochure like if the text should overprint the screen, make the screen light enough to allow the text to be read. This way you keep your readers from straining their eyes.

Font. Selecting a typeface or font just because you’ve heard of it or because you use it routinely in your word processing program is not a good idea when it comes to creating your brochure design. Before making your final selection, look at the same chunk of text (with an accompanying headline) in several different typefaces and combinations. Readability is the bottom line, but you also want typefaces that reflect the tone of the information you are trying to convey. Some highly legible types include: Century Schoolbook, Century Expanded, Georgia and Platino.

Times New Roman font type is also THE most common but not necessarily the best selection, especially for desktop publishing projects. When presented as “fake” bold or italic (normal type converted to the given effect by a word processing or desktop publishing program), Times New Roman becomes difficult to read, especially in body text.

Typeface. In many ways, selecting the right typeface for your business brochure is just as difficult as composing effective copy and choosing illustrations and graphics. Typeface can make or break a brochure. Remember to be consistent in your use of typefaces and weights for headlines, body text, and captions. Break up the text with bullet points and keep the paragraphs short.

Brochures are one of the most versatile of all marketing and promotional materials. Don’t waste the document’s potential to reach your target audience by offhandedly selecting any old and boring typeface. It has been said that typefaces are the clothes worn by words. Make sure your words are dressed in their Sunday best.

You can log on to printplace reviews to read more brochure printing and online printer reviews.

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