Where Do Warts Come From?
Where do warts come from? A common question from the chronic wart sufferer. Warts are relatively small, often painless raised patches of rough skin and can appear anywhere on the body. The six known types of warts are as follows:
– Flat warts – among the most distressing types of warts, as they usually occur on the face.
– Common warts – most often on the hands, but can possibly occur elsewhere.
– Plantar warts – a common type of wart, sometimes quite large, that occurs on the bottom of feet.
– Genital warts (condyloma) – usually appear on the genitals, in the pubic area, and on the inner thighs. Also possible inside the body.
– Subungual and periungual warts – occur around the ends of toes and fingers, under and around the nails.
While they’re often described as painless, some find warts to be itchy or irritating, in addition to embarrassing.
So, where do warts come from? Warts are one of a number of conditions of varying severity that are caused by the human papillomavirus, or HPV.
Human papillomavirus:
– Is the most common sexually transmitted infection
– Can cause a number of cancers, including cervical cancer
– Can be carried for YEARS without causing symptoms
– Is easily transmitted between sexual partners
– Is present in at least 50% of sexually active men and women
Given that HPV is the cause of your warts, how can you make them go away? Treating warts isn’t always easy. They can be highly resistant to remedies, and often extend deep into your body, returning again and again after treatment. Some approaches include:
– gentle and progressive filing over a period of time, taking care not to draw blood;
– over-the-counter topical treatments, often consisting of salicylic acid;
– home freezing kits;
– freezing or burning by a medical professional;
– in extreme cases, cutting the warts out can be done by a doctor. This approach is usually reserved for those suffering from tens or even hundreds of disfiguring warts.
The conventional advice is to leave warts alone, and let them disappear on their own. This can take between a couple months to many years, but does usually occur eventually. If you can’t wait for nature to take it’s course, do your research, and proceed with caution – warts reside on your skin, and it’s a poor idea indeed to harm that!
Rachel Gipson is a natural health and healing expert with a passion for helping people to live healthier, more confident lives. To find out about a proven method for removing warts, moles, and skin tags WITHOUT SURGERY => <a href="”>CLICK HERE!