Trademark Registration Reinforces in Trademark Litigation
Every country has unique symbols to represent the company in the national and international market. The unique identity helps its consumer to distinguish products of their company with other company. To have a legal authority on any mark company has to register it. The process of registering trademark of the company is called as trademark registration.
The trademark could be either in form of name, word phrase, logo, symbol, design or image etc. Such types of form are known as representing symbol of company. After the registration of trademark, companies got the full authority over it and can expand his business in larger part of country.
To get an international recognition of business in international market, company has to follow same rule of registration of its trademark. The international registration of trademark registered the mark of the company in global business world. International registration establishes jurisdiction to file a trademark infringement action at plaintiff’s place of business.
The international registration of trademark reinforces company to get authority on registered tagline or symbol. The company can take any legal action against its misuse in any nick and corner of the world. The registration of trademark makes company its real owner and they can go for legal proceedings against its misuses. The company can file trademark litigation procedure as a part of intellectual property right. The company gets right to banned identifiable mark used by others in any corner of the nation as they are the right authority of it. Every country has unique symbols to represent the company in the national and international market. The unique identity helps its consumer to distinguish products of their company with other company.
According to the rules of litigation of trademark laws, “company can follow procedure of legal action against the misuse or duplicate copy of trademark”. The litigations come under civil lawsuits. It helps company in making their individual identity and to solve disputes controversy and issues.
In order to check available of any specific mark or logo analytical and comprehensive activity of research has been done by trademark search. The search of trademark gives you detail information of earlier user and legal authority. The basic of search program includes applications for trademarks, required and relevant information. The main motive of search is to find if someone has already trademarked your intended mark or not.
Same as registration in trademark, company go on for registration of logo to have full right on the logos. The logo registration is needed for logo identification and individual logo identity of organization. Its registration keeps aloof from dispute and avoids confusion in mixing of logos with other. For registration, the organization presents bona fide intent to make use of logo. First of all company apply an application for registration of logo. After registration, company gets legal authority on ownership and protection cover on its logo.
Just logo works as providing unique identity, the brand name of the company make it different in terms of spell and pronounce in terms of communication. One can get the name for their company by using brand registration certificates. The brand can be distinguished by different name, which is not identical or similar to other.