Processes and procedures involved in having a face lift

Having a face lift can really help you to look younger and fresher and this is the reason why it has become such a popular procedure with both men and women alike. Facelifts were once considered to be the plastic surgery procedure of choice for celebrities and tell-tale signs of the operation were sought out by the paparazzi to fill up the gossip pages of celebrity magazines and red-top newspapers. But these days, face lifts are much more common, and their acceptance into normal society (as opposed to celebrity circles) means that people from all walks of life to enjoy the long-lasting effects of the simple procedure.

So, what exactly are the processes and procedures involved in having a face lift? Firstly, it is important to note that there are different types of face lift available, and clients are able to choose from a full face lift, a brow lift, a lower face lift, or a neck lift. A face lift can also be combined with a neck lift to create an overall younger look.

If you opt for a traditional facelift your surgeon will make a cut starting in your hairline, going down past the front of the ears and back up to the hairline behind the ears. The skin is then carefully separated from the tissue, leaving the surgeon with access to the fat and muscle. Any excess fat will be removed or repositioned and the muscles tightened before the skin is pulled up tight over the newly positioned muscle and tissue, excess skin trimmed, and then sewn in place along the original cut. If the surgeon believes it is necessary, he or she will insert drains behind the ears to allow excess blood and fluid to be taken away from the area and aid in a quick recovery. Your face will then be dressed in sterile bandages that will usually run around the head and under the chin, these will stay in place until approximately one day before you are due to leave hospital.

Stitches will be removed between seven days and fourteen days after surgery and at this point, your daily life will return to normal and you will be able to return to work.

There are two other types of face lift, keyhole surgery and MACS (Minimal Access Cranial Suspension), and your cosmetic surgeon will advise you on the best procedure for you, depending on the results you are looking for. It is therefore extremely important that you choose a reputable clinic and a GMC (General Medical Council) registered surgeon.

When considering plastic surgery such as a face lift or dermal fillers, it’s important to understand the processes and procedures involved, so make sure you do your research thoroughly.

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