The meaning of sexy from antiquity to the present day

The concept of sexy, present everywhere today, is recurrent since ancient times. Being sexy has always accompanied the woman, in fact, in everyday life. Several findings show the importance of erotic sexy clothing or other erotic items.

The latter, designed exclusively for sexual pleasure are not, therefore, present a fashion-related business of the transgression, but are already present in past eras. In Roman times we find this type of objects, which were used in various construction materials such as leather, bone and wood. But even before the time of the Greeks, as evidenced by the depiction of a greek vase at the National Museum in Copenhagen, Denmark, where a practical woman autoerotic activity through the use of a dildo. The human imagination since ancient erotica, then, has got to manifest itself in one way or another. Over the centuries, the realm of sexual fantasies has resulted in objects sometimes downright wacky. A company in constant expansion. Every day several new products on the market designed to meet every kind of preference. Parallel to the development and expansion of the market for sexy-erotic objects, a series of shops, sex shops in fact, when it became possible to buy only erotic articles for singles and couples. Today the market for this kind of articles is very healthy, depending also on the fact that the mentality has become more open and uninhibited in the past. It ‘s easy to find in every city sex shop where you can buy any kind of shameless article. The great interest shown for this type of shopping has led some traders to engage in online activities, virtual shops reach without moving from home, in total anonymity. This ensures that a sex shop online because, unlike a sex shop in a city street, is the anonymity, however, a very short delivery times. Since the birth of the sexy shop online today, there has been a considerable increase of interest in this sector due to the ease and speed that the web allows. Simply connect to the Internet, enter a sexy shop online, browse catalogs full of products described in every detail and photographs, make your purchase undisturbed with their credit card, in complete anonymity, and wait for everything you get home.

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