Tips to Make the Most of the Space in Business Postcards

People can’t actually resist reading postcards, especially when what they see are happy scenes and irresistible offers. In fact, postcards generate the highest response rate among direct mails today. For years, these simple cards are a powerhouse marketing tool that no other marketing strategy can compare with. Despite the growing popularity of social media and other modern marketing techniques, post cards still remain one of the best tools today.

Your postcards can actually be a very reliable and effective way of promoting, advertising or communicating with your clients and customers if you do it right. But because of the limited space provided in postcards, you can only include limited information. So, how to you make the most of the space in your post cards? Below are some tips and ideas.

• Adding only minimal amount of detail and information is a must. To emphasize to your clients and customers who or where your postcards come from, using great and forceful images or graphics is the best thing that you can do instead using texts only.

• You can customize the size of your postcards but remember that any post card designed larger than the standard four by six inches will often cost you extra.

• To have good communication with your clients and customers, a good and attractive headline is a must along with a great image. Make sure your headline is strong and catchy.

• Avoid making long stories in your postcards since you do not have enough space to place everything you want to say. Make use of the free space by sending and making a clear and reliable headline and by using attractive images or graphics.

• Using colored paper stock is one of the best things that you can do on your postcards. Depending on the image or graphics that you plan to use, colored paper materials can add great impact and readability to your postcard printing.

• Always focus on the mailing list of your business postcards. Make sure that all the clients and customers that you plan to send your postcards will be interested in your products or services. Update your list regularly to remove prospects who are not likely to patronize your offerings.

• Keep in mind that the main goal of your postcards is to make it look like it is coming from a close friend rather than coming from a business establishment. This will surely give you the best outcome. Your clients and customers will likely read your card rather than throw them away as junk mail.

• Handwriting the message to make it look more personal will also give a good impact.

• Avoid making a sales pitch in your postcards since you do not have enough space to tell everything you want to say about your products and services in your card. Focus on the main message of your postcards and make sure that it will be properly communicated to your clients and customers.

• Lastly, make your message clear, concise, and direct to the point. You are not only limited with the space in your postcards, but also with the reading time of your recipients. Therefore, make sure that your postcards will be direct to the point. Just keep the message simple and clear. No beating around the bush.

Additional tips and guides about reliable printing services can be found at online printing postcards.

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