Becoming A Prostitute

A prostitute is an individual and in most cases a woman who plays sex for money. This may be with one person or with different people. It is known as the “worlds oldest profession” this is because in almost each and every society and culture you will find it. Usually the way they work is by walking along the streets looking for potential customers during the day or during the night – where they get plenty of customers. Different countries use various ways to handle prostitution to some it is legal whereas others use measures such as; prohibition, abolition, regulation and decriminalization. In many countries of the world prostitution is legal, that is the government has got laws to regulate and even go ahead to take taxes from the prostitutes, who in exchange enjoy regular health checks in the country’s ministry of health.
Though it may be legal and thus tolerated in some countries, some other countries do not tolerate it and regard it as evil, immoral and against the social norms of the society. Prostitution, and other forms of commercial sex are an industry that has grown to be a multi billion dollar kind of, as it enriches a small group of the community called the minority predators and thus leaving the larger community to pay for damages((Kathleen, pp 198).

Prostitution as much as many people would justify it, is not a good act to continue being practiced as it has several effects that it results in , both to the individual and the society at large. from the religious point of view is regarded as being immoral in the sense that sex is only allowed for married people. At that point sex is holy. When it comes to trading sex, it then becomes an unholy act thus condemned by religion. In Christianity for example, the bodies of people are regarded as being the temples of God. Thus from a scripture in the bible which says that the body should be kept pure and clean to mean that indulging in sexual acts that are not holy, is a way of dirtying your body which is the temple of the holy spirit. As much as its the oldest profession ever it was condemned even in the times of Jesus, as believed by the Christians from the holy scriptures that they read in the bible(Vern, pp 303).
From the moral point of view, prostitution can be regarded as not moral given that it at times goes against the will of the individual performing it, as we find that those who practice prostitution are at times forced to go beyond their wills given that they are doing it for the sake of earning a living. Prostitution being regarded by some as away of earning a living, has various risks that are associated to it, this is because it is surrounded by illegal activities, dangerous activities, and abuse of the persons as it is operated in the black market thus legalizing of prostitution by countries has worsened the situation instead of making the market better. Prostitution has resulted to various crimes and emanating, especially given that it is legalized in some countries. This may be such as;
? Sexual slavery and trafficking of human beings- since it is illegal in some societies this nature of illegality has led to underground trafficking of sex thus forcing most women and children into prostitution. This people are kidnapped, orphaned and sold globally by even their own families. In most cases the women are lured into believing that they a re being offered a better life by people that they trust and known to them. This people who traffic, mostly act as modeling agencies, employment offices and legitimate travel agencies in order to gain the trust of women, who they want to lure into such in order to traffic them into prostitution(Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).
? Drugs- prostitution is linked to drugs in the sense that some drug users mostly users of cocaine or heroine obtain it from prostitution in that they may get money from it to buy the drugs or they may exchange sex for drugs.
? Violence- prostitutes encounter violence from their customers, who may go to an extent of murder, attacks and even victimization. This may also occur even with their workmates, the prostitutes who work in brothels vs. those at the streets and call girls( Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).
Other effects of prostitution may be as follows;
The kinds of injuries and infections that are suffered by the women of prostitution are just the same as those that are suffered by women who are subjected to other forms of violence. Some of this physical injuries such as; broken bones, bruises, and black eyes are mostly done by their purchasers whereas a large percentage of the injuries are experienced from personal relationships thus resulting in stabbing, miscarriage, loss of consciousness, and injuries in the head. There are also other diseases that come with prostitution this may range from; STDS( HIV/AIDS, gonorrhea, Chlamydia, herpes, and syphilis ), gynecological problems are also rampant and in particular PID(pelvic inflammatory disease) which may lead to cervical cancer(Ronald, pp103)
Their emotional health is also at risk in that they suffer from; eating disorders, drug abuse, depression, trauma, stress, anxiety, suicide and homicide among others. Thus we can say that women in prostitution since they are being raped, battered and sexually abused at the same time for quite a long period of time they thus suffer the health consequences much more intensively as compared to women who are exposed to violence(William, pp29-97).

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