How to convert MTS to FCE with Mac MTS to FCE Converter on Mac?

How to convert MTS to FCE with Mac MTS to FCE Converter on Mac?

IF you have one of Canon, Sony, Panasonic, JVC AVCHD camcorder desire to import AVCHD.mts files to Apple Final Cut Express(HD) for editing. You maybe confused that you can’t import MTS files into FCE fot editing. This article tells what should you do to solve this problem.

Only Final Cut Express 4 may work with mts files fromthe latest AVCHD cameras, but only on Intel Macs and must be original file structure, not isolated .mts files.

So I think you should know how to import MTS to FCE, you can convert MTS to MOV, then you can import MTS to FCE easily. You need a software application help you convert MTS to MOV.

Mac MTS to FCE Conveter is your best choice for you to convert MTS to MOV on Mac, with it you can convert MTS to FCE, and there are some editing functions for your editing your videos before converting such as video cropping, movie trimming, and video effect adjustment.

In addtion, you can use this Mac MTS to FCE Converter to convert MP4/AVI on Mac as well as other popular formats like MPEG, WMV, DivX, H.264/AVC, MKV, RM, MOV, XviD, 3GP, etc.

Step by step tutorials for you to import mts video into Final Cut Express on Mac:

Step 1. Add mts video files to MTS to FCE Converter

Download MTS to FCE Converter, install and run it. Click “Add files” button or drag videos into it.

Step 2. Select output format: “QuickTime(*.mov/*.qt )”

Choose the right format which can be supported by FCE, here we choose .mov format.

Step 3. Start converting

When all settings are done, click the “convert” button to start convert MTS video to FCE.

Step 4. Import the output file to FCE

Launch Final Cut Express, select the converted mov video then click “Import”.

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