Getting it Wrong When Learning the Violin
Learning the violin is no different to developing the skills required for any new challenge your skill. Things are bound to go wrong even to the extent where practicing and making progress becomes very frustrating.
But getting it wrong is a good thing.
Okay that may seem like quite a bold or unusual statement but failure is always on the road to success and learning how to play any musical instrument is no different. Get it wrong enough times and you will eventually get it right. Obviously you cannot practice blindly, without focus and just hope that you will improve. But do not be afraid to make mistakes and do not let this discourage you. Let me explain some more.
When you first begin to play a new and challenging piece of music, you will not get it right first time. Even when it comes to playing a simple four bar phrase, you will need to practice this over and over again. Let’s say there is a four bar phrase in a particular piece of music and on average it takes a beginner violin player 20 times to get this right. Guess what happens when this is played for the first 19 times? It goes wrong. But by the time you have played it around 20 times it improves and becomes perfect.
Success is at the end of failure. Just walk that route of getting it wrong with the faith and understanding that success is at the end.
There is one incredibly inspirational quote I remember often and it is all to do with Thomas Edison as he strives to invent what we know today as the light bulb. Edison sat with a journalist who asked him if he was going to quit. Surely after 1000 failed experiments Edison had become disheartened, but when questioned by the journalist Edison’s response was ‘ why would I stop experimenting now, I am 1000 steps closer to success than when I started’!
So when it comes to learning the violin, Edison hit the nail on the head!
If you are serious about your musical skill and learning the violin online, then head here:
Violin Master Pro
Perhaps the most popular resource on instrumental teaching?