Steps you must follow to give someone a body massage
Becoming skilled about providing body massage might be very useful to help your partner when s/he is tired. You will have to learn a lot if you are interested to learn the secrets of body massage and different massage therapies. All these procedures involve muscle stretch, sprains, or strains. In a stressful condition, body massage therapy is a wonderful approach that helps. Not only should the professionals, but also us, the common people learn the art of massage therapy to help people around in stress or tension. After thousands of years of practices, body massage has become so successful that it is getting accreditation from all the sectors of health and biological science.
There are some common steps, which you should follow to help the person suffering from mental or physical stress. Massage therapy works best only if the theoretical procedure is followed exactly. Before you start body massage, you should create an appropriate environment. You should keep the room temperature normal. There should be low light intensity and a sweet aroma with a soft music in the background. Try to have some clean and soft towels beside you, this will help you to entertain all the needs of the person you are providing massage therapy. You will also need some oil and lubricant to keep your body massage smooth and soft. Baby oil or any natural oil will do, but try to manage scented oil.
Now, you should gently ask the person to disrobe and then lie down on the table facing down. You can use the clean towels to cover the buttocks if requested. You should start providing massage therapy from the upper part of the body. You should take some oil in your palms and then you’ll need to rub your palms to warm the oil. Then you should apply the oil on the neck and shoulders. People usually tend to store their tensions in neck and shoulders, so you should be very careful about applying oil on them. Once you have started your massage therapy, you should gradually move downwards.