Ways to lose weight that won’t make you hate life
It is often asked how someone can lose weight without having to go on a crazy diet, or wake up at 5 in the morning to hit the gym. ?The good news is there are ways to lose weight that won’t make you go crazy, or feel like you aren’t really living.
You see dieting to lose weight by heavily restricting your calorie intake is one of the worst ways to lose weight due to our bodily reaction to pretty much starving ourselves. ?Once you start eating severally fewer calories than normal, your body will basically go into what is commonly known as “panic mode.” ?Once in this mode it can be dangerous to start eating normally again because your body will store up just about anything you eat as fat.
For this reason it is smart to cut down your daily intake of calories only slightly. ?For instance, it is assumed that 3,500 calories equals about 1 pound of body weight. ?If you were to cut down your daily calorie intake by 350 calories then you would lose a pound of body weight once every 10 days. ?That breaks down to 3 pounds a month, and 36 pounds per year. ?Do you think you could cut down your calorie intake by 350 per day?
That would come down to losing one Starbucks trip a day, or whatever your daily fast food trip may be. ?Losing weight is super easy to do once you know the skills it takes to actually do it. ?Couple your calorie reduction with a little exercise and your results can start multiplying exponentially. ?Imagine just walking around the neighborhood once every day. ?Say you burn around 150 calories a day just doing an easy exercise. ?By doing that you’d be able to drop another pound of body weight every month. ?The good thing about losing weight is that once your body starts doing it, it becomes easier for your body to do.
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