Know More about Gomoku and the Benefits of Playing Gomoku Online
Gomoku is a strategy game also known as “Five in a Row” and has its origins in China earlier than 270 BC. The word Gomoku is a Japanese word, which is also referred as “Gomokunarabe.” According to the Japanese language, go means “Five” and moku means “pieces.” Gomoku is also a popular game among the Koreans where they have named it as “omok” with the similar structure and the strategies like the Japanese people. Traditionally, Gomoku was played using go pieces (black and white stones) and on a go board (19×19 intersection). However, one can also play Gomoku using paper and pencil.
Gomoku has been considered as one of the best strategy games introduced by the Chinese. Moreover, the popularity of the game could be seen in both the young and the old. Gomoku is also said to hold similarity with the European game connect four but, here instead of connecting four in a row, one needs place 5 stones in a row. Gomoku is generally played between two players on a board by making moves from either side alternatively using black and white stones. The player with black makes his or her first move in the middle of the board. The player who attains the five stones (black or white) in a row wins. These days, lovers of Gomoku search for well-known game websites to play the game online. Besides making the game more challenging and exciting, there are many more advantages of playing Gomoku online.
Benefits of Playing Gomoku Online:
• Playing Gomoku Online Help You Boost Your Cognitive Skills:
Strategy games are best known for developing memory power and Gomoku being one of the popular ones can develop your cognitive skills largely. Moreover, finding the right games with a partner would be a good exercise for your mind, as the game requires more of focus and concentration. Gomoku is favorite among people of all ages and the challenges put forward in the online games, makes it more exciting and interesting. There are also online games websites that help you play to suit your age and memory. Therefore, look for a good online games website to suit your needs and requirements.
• Playing Gomoku Online Encourages Social Interaction:
Playing Gomoku online with a partner not only brings forth mental challenges but also increases social interactions. Many Gomoku players have developed meaningful relationships by playing the game online. Besides this, one can also chat while playing games, which would help players, improve on their strategies.
• Playing Gomoku Online Help You Stay Connected:
Multiplayer online Gomoku games encourage social interaction, as you can play this brain game with your friends and family members staying apart from you. Moreover, one can also play the games with their grandparents staying miles away from them. There are also websites that help you play other interesting games other than Gomoku such as “Co Tuong” “Xiangqi” etc. You can also search your old college friends and bring back those good old days by playing Gomoku with them online.
If you are big fan of Gomoku and are interested to play the game online, look for a website that has been designed for the purpose of entertainment and provides the above-mentioned benefits and much more.