Become a Millionaire With Patience and Persistence

Patience and persistence are the keys that help you become a millionaire. Leaving out the extraordinary cases, all other millionaires have become so owing to their hard work, persistence, and patience. Not that your inventors and entrepreneurs do not work hard: they do. They also happen to have the right idea at the right time. Not all of us may be so talented or so lucky. So what do we do to become a millionaire?
First of all, find a job. Any job will do, as long as you are earning. If you do not earn, you cannot save and you cannot become a millionaire. If you lack necessary qualifications, study part time (at a community college, if you cannot afford a four-year university), and then look for a better paying job. Even a millionaire starts off at the bottom of the ladder.
The next step on the road to become a millionaire is to save a part of your income. Save first and spend later. Set aside a part of your income towards a savings account. You could also have an automatic debit in place for the purpose. While you are at it, put some of your money (6% would do) in a 401(k) plan. If your employer matches your contribution, as they are wont to do, you would have a neat amount being saved in your name. You would also be saving on taxes. This does not mean that you have to be miserly to become a millionaire. You could set aside part of your income as splurge money and indulge yourself occasionally. That way, you would satisfy yourself, while saving for the future. Spend within your means and after saving.
Wait till you have enough money to buy a home since, a) the real estate market could get better by that time and b) your mortgage payments will be considerably less when you have earned enough and can make a good down payment. Remember, it is not freedom to be up to your neck in debts. Invest instead in the stock market, wisely and patiently. If your investments are wise, you will earn dividends, as well as some considerable profits, when you sell your stocks down the lane. You could become a millionaire just by doing this.
Earning, saving and spending wisely will help you become a millionaire eventually. It may be not the fastest way, but it certainly is the safest way.

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