How to Cure Arthritis Naturally Using Herbal Remedies?

Arthritis is a chronic disease that means the inflammation of your joints. At first all the body suffers some effects and some of the joints might become deformed. The patient remains handicapped and weakened. This disease usually appears in the elderly and inflammation that affects the bones and the joints is its distinctive feature.

There are over 150 types of types of arthritis and in all cases bones and joints are affected. Osteoarthritis, gout and rheumatoid arthritis are the most frequent types of arthritis.

Arthritis Causes

Cold climate and damp, severe jolt, trauma of an accident or bad falls are the most common causes of arthritis. Unfortunately there are many other factors that can cause this awful disease.

Another factor is joint instability. A recurrent or severe joint injury can be provoked by an intense physical activity, by an excessive overweight. Practicing sports like basketball, athletics, and so on can lead to this disease, too.

Hormonal factor is another cause. This factor is more common at women than at men. The explanation is simple: women suffer serious hormonal changes during the menopause.

The environmental factors are very important when it is about arthritis. The persons that live in damp conditions are very exposed to this kind of disease. Stress is another factor. During the stressed periods, the immune system of the body becomes weaker and the arthritis can occur. More on, stress can disturb the hormonal balance of the body provoking this disease. Other factors are psychological factors, food allergy nutrient deficiency.

Herbal Remedies

Juniper, Rosemary, Dilute Garlic, Sassafras, Lavender, Thyme, or Sage oils are some of the herbals used successfully in arthritis treatments. These oils are mixed with olive oil and used to massage the affected joints. For example mix 1 part of Juniper oil or of Sassafras oil with ten parts of olive oil and make a gentle massage of the affected joint.

Hot vinegar can be also used to get an immediate relief. The aching joints are rubbed gently with hot vinegar every evening, before going to bed.

It is well known that dandelion leaves have diuretic effects that increase the kidneys output, while the dandelion roots are liver tonic and mild laxative that are able to enhance the bowel movement and to prevent arthritis.

Essential oils like Cypress, Juniper and Lemon have tissue-cleansing properties and they are used to improve circulation around the affected joints. Due to their anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties Chamomile, Rosemary and Lavender are often used in arthritis treatments.

Powder four peeled pieces of garlic with 2 grams of Sprague and dip them in thirty grams of mustard. Hit them slowly and massage your aching joints every day.

Mix 10 grams of camphor with 200 gram of mustard oil and pour them in a bottle. Close the bottle with a tight cork and expose it to the sun light. After the camphor has dissolved massage the joints daily.

You can also use 6-50 grams of powdered or fresh ginger to reduce the effects of rheumatoid arthritis. Or you can use Epsom salt in the bathing water. In this case Omega-3 fatty acids can be of a great help, too. 10 grams taken daily can reduce joint inflammations. Another effective treatment is castor oil used in the massage of the aching joist.

The traditional Indian herb called Boswellia, Rumatone Gold Oil with its anti-inflammatory proprieties; Rumatone Gold Capsules are other recommended treatments in arthritis diseases.

Read more Home Remedies for Arthritis. Also know effective Home Remedies for Eczema.

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