Hemorrhoid Relief And Home Treatment

If you suffer from hemorrhoids, you are not alone – they are a common complaint and can be caused by such things as stress, medication and a poor diet. Any of these things can cause the blood vessels in the rectum or around the anus to swell, causing intense pain especially during a bowel movement. However, you do have several options for hemorrhoid relief.

Easiest and frequently suggested hemorrhoid natural remedy is to use apple cider vinegar. Positive results have been reports from dabbing it on and around the anus one to three times daily, as well as ingesting two to four tablespoons orally one to three times a day. The frequency of treatment should be determined on the severity of the hemorrhoids. Apple cider vinegar has an alkalizing effect, solving the pH imbalance, which is frequently the cause.

Rutin, a citrus flavonoid glycoside, is also used to treat this uncomfortable condition. It works as an anti-inflammatory device as well as a capillary strengthener. This can sooth the pain, as well as strengthen the capillaries, thus making attacks less frequent.

Tronolane Anesthetic Hemorrhoidal Cream also gets very good review ratings. Unfortunately, not many drugstores and supermarkets carry it, but it can be found very easily online. Amazon.com and Drugstore.com both sell this particular cream for a bit under $9. This particular cream is not scented, washes off easily and does not stain, effectively relieves pain, itching, swelling and soreness and is not greasy.

Another natural hemorrhoid remedy with successful results is witch hazel. It is not being taken orally but is applied to the anal area in diluted liquid, ointment, or pads. Witch hazel is acts as an astringent, thus decreasing or fully stemming the bleeding. It can also relieve pain, itching and swelling.

There are several types of hemorrhoids. When veins inside the rectum swell and inflame, the resulting condition is called an ‘internal hemorrhoid’, which tend to be less painful, and can cause minor bleeding. External hemorrhoids are swollen veins located near the anus opening and can be quite painful unless treated immediately. Other types include prolapsed (an internal hemorrhoid that protrudes out of the anus) and thrombosed hemorrhoids (an external hemorrhoid that forms a blood clot).

There are many other simple solutions that can offer relief, such as butcher’s broom or horse chestnut in tea form. For reoccurring cases, these can solve the problem with trial and error. If these remedies work temporarily but the hemorrhoids return, seeing a licensed medical professional is the best option.

Some hemorrhoids home treatment remedies are also proven to be effective in reducing some of the discomfort caused by this most painful condition. Try applying ice for several minutes to the area that has been affected, followed by a warm compress for another few minutes. Another method that helps most people is to soak in a sitz bath for around 15 or 20 minutes, making sure that the affected area comes into contact with the water. Either of these methods will help to reduce the itching and pain that most hemorrhoid sufferers experience..

Author offers help and ideas on options of hemorrhoids home treatment as well as hemorrhoid home treatment

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