Are low carb diets bad for your health

Are low carb diets bad for your health? No and here is why. First lets talk body types. Everyone is different when it comes to their genetic make up. For one their body type is different and we do not have time here to go into depth in the different types. You can check out the website at the bottom for more detail. So everyone is different and their body requires different stuff. some people can eat what ever they won’t and not gain a pound, those people are probably not reading this because they are not in the market for a diet. So what body type are you?
I personally can just think about carbs and gain five pounds immediately and so I am carb sensitive. So I have to watch my carb intake. But here is something most people do not think about fruit and vegetables. There is enough carbs in fruit and vegetables you can never even look at another piece of bread or pasta if you don’t want to. Now that also means that fruit should be watched if you are carb sensitive because some are high in carbs. Now what about those people who are not carb sensitive are low carb diets bad for your health? Here I would say yes simply because your body may require you to have carbs in high amounts to maintain. But that also depends on many different factors such as genetic code, blood type and of course trial and error. So figuring all these out could tell you are low carb diets bad for your health or not.
Take into account there have been many medical science studies and all have published. One of the most talked about is the New England Journal of Medicine in which they went into great detail into several different diets with published results. Ultimately its up to the person who reads it to decide whether or not it is what they decide is truth or not. You can see a good review of this study at where you can decide for yourself are low carb diets bad for your health.

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