Are Online Violin Lessons Better Than Off-Line Lessons?
Many people are looking into online violin lessons, but are they worth investing in? Are you better off finding a local violin teacher and studying with them? Obviously both have their pros and cons but which one is best and which one should you go for?
This does depend a lot on the person who is taking the lessons and it depends a lot on what you are looking to gain. But there are some other factors to take into consideration, such as price, convenience and motivation.
If cost is an issue, then online lessons or something you should definitely think about. Many of the good programs online offer up to 6 months worth of lessons for the cost of a single off-line lesson. Many professional violinists can charge anywhere from $30-$80 for a one-hour lesson, whereas many of the online courses will provide you with lots of lessons for around a $30 one off fee.
Off-line lessons are certainly better if you find yourself a little harder than normal to motivate. Having a lesson looming over your head can often force you to practice and ensure you are prepared. Also the kind words and inspiration you will get from having a teacher in person could also benefit you and give you more motivation.
Both forms of tuition will hopefully teach you everything you need to know, providing that the teacher you are learning from can put things to do in a manner that you understand. One bonus for the online lessons is that you can repeat any lesson over and over again. Many lessons are in video format so these can be watched and repeated as many times as you like.
Online violin lessons certainly do have some great benefits, but it is worth doing your research before you commit to any of them.
Take a look at this blog and learn some more about the incredible value of taking violin lessons online:
If you are serious about your musical skill and learning the violin online, then head here:
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