The Tazer X 26 May Be Worth Testing Out

Law enforcement requires an edge. The criminals are always looking for a way to beat the current equipment of law enforcement, and so taking down a perpetrator has become trickier. You need better equipment to keep up, and if you are talking about equipment that not only keeps up but sets a new standard, you are probably talking about the Tazer X 26.

This small little device packs a huge punch. This little guy is loaded with a replaceable cartridge that is packed tight with compressed nitrogen. Within this cartridge are two probes that are hurled at your target upon the release of the nitrogen. These probes stick to the perpetrator and immediately begin coursing steady electric currents into them. These currents act quickly to shut down motor and sensory function by temporarily impairing the peripheral nervous system.

But what is so great about the Tazer X 26? Why should we bother upgrading? There are several reasons to consider the X 26, and there is no time like the present to try one out.

One of the first things that people might notice if they usually use a tazer is the extended range. The X 26 allows a single shot to travel accurately up to 35 meters. This provides a much larger space between the perpetrator and the officer, and thereby somewhat improving the safety of the officers. Having a 35-meter range could end some chases rather quickly as well.

Another difference you could make note of with the X 26 that is not standard with other brands, is the integrated laser sight. Imagine hitting assailants nearly 35 meters away with precise accuracy thanks to a bead of laser light from the tazer itself.

Buying the Tazer X 26 should be considered by your law enforcement unit because of its advances to tazer technology, and its commitment to excellence. It’s another way to improve on officer safety and effective capture of common and uncommon criminals.

Want to find out more about TAZER X26C, then visit John White’s site on how to choose the best TAZER X26C for your needs.

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