Welcomed the arrival of jet 2.0 (B) – printer, ink-jet – printing special printing industry

MEMS: The New World Jet MEMS (Micro-Electro-MechanicalSystems, MEMS) is an emerging technology, but it has begun to fundamentally change the inkjet print head technology. MEMS is a tiny moving parts consisting of three-dimensional devices. With the sudden emergence of the semiconductor industry, MEMS devices has also emerged.

Seiko Epson Corporation achieved on MEMS technology, commercial applications. The company began in 1998, sales to the retail market, using high-resolution MEMS inkjet print head of the POS (point of sale advertising) printer. The print head can SEAJet (an electrostatic actuator ejector abbreviation) driven by static electricity work. SEAJet print head consisting mainly of three devices: one with 128 nozzles silicon substrate, and second, containing the ink reservoir, and a pressure chamber version of the central silicon layer, third is the glass substrate with electrodes. Each layer devices using MEMS technology is produced, which also includes the depth and multi-step etching mask and drawings. After completing the installation of production levels, people still need to use MEMS technology to connect these three layers together to form the so-called "head work space." A micro-resistor ink can be heated and results in bubbles, as the bubble continues to expand, drops will spray from the nozzle in to the paper. When the resistance to stop heating when tiny bubbles will rupture and create a vacuum, this way, there will be more ink to print in advance to be inhaled.

MEMS size range from 1 micron (one millionth of a meter) to a millimeter (one thousandth of a meter) range. In this size, the physical structure of a typical physical system changes will occur to change. Silicon-based MEMS technology to achieve the greatest benefits of sub-micron precision and can be mass produced. Now, this technology has been widely used in the print head nozzle, positioning holes and channels in the design process. In addition, MEMS inkjet print head is also used in the production process of modifying semiconductor production, laser ablation, lithography, molding, plating, wet etching, dry etching, electrical discharge machining and many other micro-devices used in the manufacture technology.

HP Edgeline (HP & G) technology

In providing customers with high-performance printing capabilities compete in, HP has pioneered the development of the HPEdgeline (HP & G) printing?? On Ink Advanced print engine technology. The three elements of this technology is cross-page print head, paper in the bottom of the print head movement, and the ink medium system. Can be specialized to meet the special requirements of the market, but also to optimize performance and provide better print quality. Edgeline technology also includes automatic calibration to write intelligent system which can ensure a consistent picture quality.

For laser printers, photosensitive drum or Transfer And devices with hot-melt pressure on the paper to be directly in order to transfer colorant (toner), and inkjet printing technology does not require contact with the paper. Contact with the print head does not eliminate the wear and paper, and without periodic replacement of laser write system components. Edgeline technology, non-contact print head to the first class reliability, continuous print 200 A size.

Print head across the page Edgeline technology cross-page print heads, provides high print performance. Paper can be up to 35 inches / second rate of continuous movement to the bottom of the print head. The first generation of Edgeline Technology printers can print per minute 12 4×6 photos (retail photo kiosks), or up to 71 A size (general office equipment). The future, Edgeline Technology printers is expected to print 100 pages per minute A size.

4.25 inch Edgeline print head technology. It uses five print head silicon chip (or die), each chip has 2112 nozzles staggered configuration. This arrangement is called multi-die mode. A total of 10 560 for each print head nozzle can print two colors? That each color 5280 nozzles. Nozzles

1200 / inch to provide high print resolution, but also in the high volume of single or multi-color print mode overlay to provide redundancy.

Silicon die including logic power control function, and measurement of droplet generator circuit. The circuit used in the Hewlett-Packard (HP) the highest density print head circuit density technology? 1 micron CMOS integrated circuit processes.

Edgeline print head technology is unique, by the assembly in the multi-layer ceramic (MLC) structure formed on the silicon die construction. MLC thermal expansion match with silicon, can be very flat substrates easily installed molding. Edgeline print head technology used in the ceramic material provides excellent thermal stability and spatial accuracy.

MLC has six planes, each with a thin ceramic substrate is tungsten drum and perforation. At high temperatures, when the ceramic substrate to melt, will form a solid multi-layer printed circuit board? The circuit board can be interconnected through the print head next to the plate, molded to each signal and power routing. Ink flows through the MLC, into the print head. This will be the ink from the drum in the isolated structure designed to ensure a longer life print head.

Technology printer paper can be moved to the bottom of the print head array. One for A size (8.5×11 inch) substrates 4-color (CMYK) printing systems are generally equipped with two 4.25 in. print heads, each print head can print two colors. 9 4 Total 42 240 nozzle print head. Cross-page local printing resolution up to 1200dpi.

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