Are You Sick Of Not Having The Man You Want?

Over the last few months I’ve been working challenging on a new product that is happening to completely revolutionize the dating game for women.

I’ve been frustrated and ANGRY because:

Very few books go into DETAIL about what it takes to appeal to and KEEP a man for a woman in the dating globe TODAY.
Many books I have read give the most GENERAL advice ever. Their advice revolves about:
Positive thinking
How you need to romance you first
There is NO mention of: what to do to get a man to open up, how to get a man to commit, how to get a man really love you and keep loving you in a relationship, and many more!

I’ve also found that books and packages planned by men for women (although gives a very bang-up insight into the masculine psychic powers), are written with the reading in mental:

What YOU (the woman) need to change to accommodate a man.
How to appeal to men doing what men Conceive they want from a woman, not what they very want. Sometimes this means you’ll pull in a lot of men that are Incorrect for you.
The strategies focus on what benefits you bring for the man, and little on what HE in reality brings for you!
Therefore, it’s prefer the guy just has to sit back and watch while you do all the work to win him over!

I’m not saying these books aren’t worth having a look at, like I said, in terms of getting inside the masculine mental, they are excellent because they are composed BY men.

Yet, when it comes to relationship and RELATIONSHIPS, get their suggestions in this area with some caution because they are masculine biased.

like I said, men want to tell women what to do to accommodate them, what benefits them. Men “want” to be in charge.

I felt there is something missing in the market today that focuses on:

Serving women become prosperous with men WHILE giving men what they want AND getting what YOU want! (most fundamental)
Understand the dynamic differences between men and women from a WOMAN’S point of view.. this is important because you ARE a woman, therefore it’s no use attempting to do all to please a man because you Believe you understand him.
You need to understand how being a woman, understanding your role as a woman actually benefits each of you!

The power you ALREADY have within you when it comes to men. This is stuff men don’t want you to experience because to ADMIT to this is like turning their back on their own gender!
The fact is although men may dominate the workplace and in certain social situations, women dominate men at home behind closed doors. HANDS DOWN. And because women have power in this area, a lot of them ABUSE it and use it in ways that really harm them in relationships.

I want to show you how to tap into this power if you’re not conscious of it, and also how to properly use it if you have abused it in the past.

How to completely get a man to open his soul to you and want to please you, spoil you and make you happy for as long as you want him!
This book titled: Make Him Yours is more than a How-to on: finding, attracting and keeping a man. It’s about understanding men, understanding yourself (which Sometimes turns out to be 80% of the problem) and how to use each of this knowledge to have an extraordinary relationship with the man you want!

Whether you’re:

Single and struggling to find Mr Correct
In a relationship that’s going downhill fast
Want a man to commit to you
In affection with a man who doesn’t affection you back
Want to bring back the spark and connection with a man who has suddenly lost interest
Want to lastly pull in and keep any man you desire
You’ll get this book invaluable and you won’t be able to do without it for any kind of relation with a man, now and in the time to come.

Guy Getting teaches you how to get your ex back .

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