More Suggestions to Help You Quit Smoking Cigarettes

You already know you need to stop smoking. You undoubtedly want to quit. But cigarette smoking has grown to be such a big part of your daily life that you just can’t envision getting up in the day without grabbing a cigarette, concluding a meal without having a smoke or spending time with your friends who smoke without smoking yourself.

So, so how exactly does one go about quitting smoking once and for all?

An effective approach can assist you. If you are equipped with a bit of knowledge, it is possible to significantly increase your odds of success. You just need to understand what you’re up against.

Listed below are several tips that may help you stop cigarette smoking:

Write it down. Write down your arguments for stopping on index cards so you can consult them when you are tempted to smoke.

Examine your motives for cigarette smoking. Keep a journal before you quit to record your feelings about your addiction. You should include details about where you light up most often, when you smoke, with whom and the reason why. Review your diary after four or five days to spot feelings and situations that bring about your urge to light up.

Modify your behavior. Write down your “triggers” on the left side of a piece of paper and on the right side, jot down the way you plan to avoid or cope with those circumstances or emotions that send you reaching for nicotine.

Decrease the satisfaction element. Most cigarette smokers have favorite makes of cigarettes. In the week or so prior to your stop date, exchange your favorites for another, less-interesting brand. For example, purchase menthols if you usually don’t smoke them. Purchase low-tar filters or light variations of your preferred brand or try new, unconventional brands that you have never tried before. This practice will make the habit of smoking seem less appealing and simpler to quit.

Pass on the good news. Tell everyone you know you’re quitting to build a system of loved ones, co-workers and good friends who can assist your attempt to quit.

Dispose of cigarette smoking accessories. Throw out all of your matches, ashtrays and lighters.

Quit cold turkey. Despite an urge to slowly cut back, quitting completely on your selected quit date is the ideal strategy for stopping smoking once and for all.

Treat yourself .. Come up with good reasons to celebrate your quitting smoking at regular intervals. For example, a week after you quit, visit the movies or go bowling. Thirty days after quitting, go to a nice hotel for an night or treat yourself to some shopping. A year after quitting, go on a wonderful holiday with the money you save from no longer purchasing packs of cigarettes.

Should you backslide, do not freak out. Recognize exactly what it was that triggered your need to light up once more and produce a means to deal with the trigger. The urge to light up — no matter how overwhelming — will go away after several minutes.

Seek assistance. If you are not able to kick the habit on your own, try making use of products like nicotine gum, the nicotine patch, or e-cigarettes. If you still aren’t able to stop smoking, see your doctor about other options. You may even wish to join a support group. No matter what you do, do not stop trying!

Click here for more information about Electric cigarettes

Click here for a great selection of Smokeless cigarettes

Perry Monkhouse is an online marketer with a decade of experience. He has written articles on many different topics.

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