Top 3 Essentials for a Co-location Infrastructure Service

Surging rise in the number of web commerce and telecommunications companies have brought in the new need to establish co-location centers. According to Wikipedia, a co-location center is primarily a data center where multiple customers locate network, servers and other storage gears. So basically, a co-location service is ideal for businesses that already own their own servers and wants to outsource.

Regular co-location service audit is essential to ensure that all the required standards for communication and infrastructure monitoring are set up. So, let us first understand the requirements to set up a co-location center.

Co-location service requirements include:

1. Rack Space :

a)  This is primarily required to stack in servers. They can be offered as quarter rack, half rack, full rack (s) or as a cage.

b)  The primary benefits of rack space are :

  • Increased Uptime, which caters to meeting all client prescribed SLAs.
  • Provides high levels of security – It is usually provided as a six zone security for complete protection, fully enclosed and locked.
  • Provision for robust connectivity with the use of carrier neutral datacenters. Also, 24×7 support is provided.

2.  Monitoring of the following :

  • Network Monitoring
  • Online bandwidth and its utilization
  • Assessing web statistics and reports
  • Usage of CPU memory and file area utilization
  • Processes and threshold alarms

3. Complete support for :

  • Server reboots, allocation of resources and 24×7 help desk support.

Companies need to check if the co-location service supports all the above requirements along with ample power and bandwidth for the web hosting applications. When IT infrastructure monitoring services provide high uptimes, reliable network, enhanced security and world class 24*7 support, businesses can derive maximum benefit from them.

Watch out for a new issue on ‘Dedicated Hosting Services’.

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