Advantages of Using Solar Energy Conversion Devices
There are numerous advantages of using solar energy as compared with conventional non renewable sources. Solar panels are well known among devices that are used to convert energy of the sun in to thermal and electrical energy. Many companies are involved in the production of these useful mechanisms; therefore they come in various sizes and prices to suit the requirement of the consumers looking forward to solar panel installation. Solar panels are usually fixed in the particular area of the house premises which receives the maximum sunlight. Think of solar panels Ireland, for instance. It could be the roof, the lawn, any particular window etc. Before installing though one must keep it in mind that these devices work best in places that receive sunlight for around ten months in a year. Otherwise, it may not be worthwhile.
Solar energy conversion devices are usually used to serve two household purposes; that is to heat water and to produce electricity. The former usually contains a ‘collector’ that absorbs the solar radiation and converts it into heat which is then carried to the hot water tank to heat up the water. Such panels are called the ‘thermal solar system’. The latter contains a positively charged layer of silicon that is placed against a negatively charged layer of the same, which forms a field for the electrical charges to pass through. When the sun shines on this, a conductive metal concentrates the charge into an electric current that goes on to power household appliances.
Solar energy conversion devices like evacuated tubes for water heating and photovoltaic systems for producing electricity are widely used in places like Ireland where sunlight is abundant. The consequences are phenomenal. Firstly, it saves the non renewable exhaustible conventional energy sources like oil and coal that are close to extinction. Sun is an inexhaustible source of energy. There is no limit to how much you can take advantage of it and even then, it will not deplete. Secondly, using solar power devices is eco friendly, as it does not emit any green house gases (like use of oil and coal does). As a result there is no harm caused to the environment. There are no spills or dredging as well.
Thirdly, solar power can be used by people living in remote areas where electricity may be a problem. Fourth, solar power if free of cost, though one may have to pay a considerable amount for the installation of the panels. Low maintenance and almost a life time of usage make these devices all the more attractive. Once installed, the cost of electricity goes down unbelievably by a large extent. With the advancement of research and science, use of this inexhaustible source of energy can be extended to fuel cars, small factories or, even satellites.
There are so many ways in which solar power can be used. From drying clothes to warming bath water to producing electricity, solar energy conversion devices have greater scope than can be presently thought of. Many upcoming companies like ‘Shentaisolar’ are involved in making cost effective solar panels making them widely available to people in general.