Solar Panel in Modern Lives
In the present times, increasing population and industrial boom has taken a toll on the natural resources of the earth. Among the other valuable resources, fuel like coal and petroleum are the ones that have neared depletion. It is said that if people do not restrict their usage of these non renewable sources of energy, then within the next four decades there will be nothing left for the future generations to come! One can say that the energy situation today is critical. Scientists, engineers and industrialists alike are trying their level best to find alternative sources of energy and apart from the other ideas that are still under experimentation, they have banked their faith on the unsurpassed source of energy that is the ‘Sun’.
Utilization of solar energy is not new at all. In fact it has been in existence for quite a few decades. Over the years the devices used for the conversion of solar energy to thermal or, electrical energy has been perfected to an extent that they can be used for various purposes which could not be done in the beginning. One may have heard about solar cookers years back, but now there a wide array of uses for the same technology. Solar panels can be mentioned in this respect. These devices (as the name suggests) converts the energy of the sun to energy forms suitable for use in houses. The panels are fixed in the roof of the houses and generally connected to the heating systems.
There are two main uses of solar panels in houses. One is to heat water and the other is to produce electricity. While the former is usually known as thermal solar systems, the latter is known as photovoltaic system. The working of these panels is different from each other as, they are used for two very different purposes. Observing the efficacy and future demand of the solar energy conversion devices many companies have involved themselves with designing and production of panels evacuated tubes and so on.
With more and more people getting involved with the go-green idea and the responsibility of saving the environment, demand for solar power as against the conventional sources are increasing. But before solar panel installation, one should find out if it will be worth while to make this investment. Usually, solar panels are best for places that receive sunlight for around ten months in a year. Therefore if a person living in snow-covered region is willing to install this device, he/she should reconsider. Conducting an energy audit and finding out how much energy can be generated in the area, is considered wise.
Area in which the panel will be installed depends upon where maximum sunlight is received. It could be the roof top, the courtyard, front lawn, window panes and so on. Choosing the right size of the panel is also important. The mounts of the panels also have to be chosen considering the area of installment (horizontal, vertical, and slanting). Prices of these devices differ according to their size and the manufacturing company.
Solar panels are very cost effective and eco-friendly. They have managed to bring down the electricity bills of many households. With further development of technology, solar utility devices will gain more popularity and will succeed in saving the non-renewable resources of the planet.