Save My Marriage Today Review

“How can I save my marriage today review when we don’t even communicate anymore?” I get asked questions like this often. If you are having serious relationship problems and your marriage is on the brink of divorce, there has almost certainly been a breakdown in trust and communication between you and your partner, especially if infidelity is involved. In this article I will give three steps you can take to begin communicating with your spouse again, even in cases of infidelity.

Step 1: Realize that communication is a skill
It may seem like something that comes natural at birth. However, communication, especially in a relationship, is a skill. As with any skill, communication takes time and practice to be good at it.

Also like any skill, the higher level you are on, the more skill is required. For instance, more skill is required for a college tennis player to be able to compete than is needed in high school. Furthermore, more skill is required out of a professional tennis player to be able to compete than is required out of a college player.

This is true with relationships as well. More communication is required in a marriage than when you are just dating. Furthermore, more communication is required for a marriage to last long-term than when you are first married.
The point of this is that you need to understand that communication is not something that is either there or not; and if it’s not your marriage is doomed. Communication is something that requires some work and commitment from you and your spouse. If you and your spouse have a hard time truly communicating, it is something that can be learned.

Step 2: Promise to each other to be 100% honest
There is one huge stumbling block to communication, and that’s dishonesty. You simply cannot effectively communicate with your spouse if one or both of you is not being honest.

One of the biggest problems with trying to heal a marriage after adultery is getting through trust issues. Whether there was infidelity in your marriage or not, you should both promise to be completely honest with each other from this point forward and let that be the cornerstone of your marriage.

Step 3: Promise to each other to reveal what you are tempted to lie about
There are often things that spouses are hesitant to share with each other. Perhaps it’s just “little white lies” that are uncomfortable to talk about for fear of hurting your spouse’s feelings. Or, again in the case of adultery, it could be something or several things that are more serious.

If you are going to live up to step two and be completely honest with each other, and live up to step one by practicing communication, you are going to need to tell your spouse the things that you are tempted to lie about.

When you find yourself in one of these situations where you are tempted to lie, say to your spouse, “I am tempted to not be completely open and honest with you about this”, and then explain about what and why. It is much better to be open and honest about things than to try to cover them up with dishonesty.

In this article I touched on three steps that are important for opening up the lines of communication again in your marriage. This is by no means a cure all answer to the question, “how can I save my marriage?” However, these three tips are a good first step to begin honest dialog with your spouse again, which is important in the process of saving your marriage.

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