Toilet Training A Child
Potty training can be a big deal for kids and parents alike. Learning to use the potty represents a milestone in the childs life. The key to successful potty training is patience. It will be a series of trial and error events that will not be pretty on some occasions, but the end result will be taking the kid out of the diapers and onto the toilet. There are a lot of advice books on the market that will tell the parents the age the child should begin using the potty and a step by step guide on how to do it. By the time the child is ready for toilet training, parents have discovered not all rules and plans apply to all children. Kids all learn and achieve different milestones at different times using different methods.
A functional potty is the only necessary piece of equipment for potty training. It just has to be something the child can sit on and get up from themselves. If the potty is place in an area the child will see it, they will no doubt investigate it and wonder what it is. They will probably figure out for themselves it is a place to sit and will sit on it from time to time when they give themselves a timeout from play. When potty-training time does arrive, it will not be a mysterious thing to them.
Potty training will begin as soon as it happens. Some kids will find potty training fascinating even though they do not fully understand the concept and will want to get with the business of using the potty. Other kids may be reluctant to use something that seems foreign to them. Forcing a child to use the potty to soon can cause bathroom problems down the line like fear of the toilet altogether. Once the child has started potty training, sit the kid on the potty at regular intervals. If a regular schedule is established, it will soon become second nature to the child and results may happen quicker. A potty time schedule might be when the child gets up in the morning and after all meals. Other times might be before and after a nap and before going to bed.
It might be a series of trial and error before the child uses the potty for its intended purpose. Be sure to acknowledge success with the potty with a round of applause or a high five or two, making a high ten. Once potty success begins to happen, ask the child from time to time if they have to use the potty. They may so “no, so suggest they try. They will start to associate using the potty rather than soiling diapers. Do not punish the child if they do not make it to the potty in time. That will be a detriment to any progress made up to that point.
While the child is on the potty, do something with the child to hold their attention to prevent the child from getting up to soon. Reading a story or teaching the child a song are two excellent methods of keeping a childs attention as is teaching the child a new skill such as blowing bubbles or applying removable tattoos. The goal is not to keep the child on the potty for hours but long enough for them to begin to learn what using a potty is all about. Once that is achieved, potty training will be a success.
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