New year, new job?

It’s the start of a New Year, which means it’s a time of new beginnings and New Year’s resolutions. It’s the perfect time to put all those things that have been on your to-do list into action. If you’re stuck in a job that you’re not entirely happy with, then perhaps now is the time to re-plan your career and investigate possible new roles. Whether it’s worries about job security, a lack of confidence or pure laziness holding you back, it can be easy to get stuck in a job that has ceased to challenge or excite you.

Now’s the time to change that! Here are a few things to do to get your new job search into motion.

– Update your resume. If you’re thinking about seeking new employment, it’s important to have a clear, professional and up-to-date resume. Take the time to make sure that your contact details are correct and your employment history is updated.

– Use your contacts. Throughout your working career you will make a number of contacts and acquaintances. If you’re looking to change jobs, then make use of these connections within your industry. If you’re looking for legal jobs, for example, then call your contacts and see if they know of any available roles or vacancies.

– Establish your online presence. There are a number of sites dedicated to hosting professional profiles – such as LinkedIn – where prospective employers and employees can connect individually or through groups. If you’re looking for a new job then having an online profile is a good way to keep your hat in the ring as employers are increasingly using social media as a recruitment tool.

– Browse job sites. A majority of jobs are now advertised online. There are both general and industry specific jobs sites where employers can post their job vacancies and job specs, and those seeking employment can browse through them to find suitable positions. Job seekers can use search tools to narrow down what they are looking for by location, salary and other categories. If you’re looking for law jobs in London, for example, you can specify that through your search. Browsing job sites is a good way to gauge what kinds of positions are available.

If this is the year for you to get your dream job, then start getting prepared and laying the groundwork now. There are a number of ways to make yourself known to prospective employers, and increase your visibility.

Make sure you get your ideal job this year!

Find legal jobs that will kick start your legal career. Two Steps has legal job listings for all areas of practice. Visit their website.

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