China's sugar imports in the first half surge – sugar prices – Food Industry

According to customs statistics, during the first half of this year, China imported a total of 730,000 tons of sugar, than the same period last year (below) increased 38.8%, worth 240 million U.S. dollars, up 15.4%. The main features of its imports are:

1, imports high, the average price of imports is relatively stable.

In February this year, China's sugar imports has remained at a high level, which imported 184,000 tons in April month, is set from August 2007 a new high since imports; then fell back monthly imports However, the absolute scale is still larger, of which imports of 91,000 tons in June, the chain fell 35.5%, down 35.7%. At the same time, the average import price from 278.1 U.S. dollars per ton in January, and gradually climbed to June of 349.8 U.S. dollars, is still significantly lower than last year's average price of 401.1 U.S. dollars per tonne level (below).

2, mainly in general trade, import, import and export goods, bonded warehouse means significant growth in imports. First half of this year, general trade import sugar to 567,000 tons, up 32.3% over the same period accounted for 77.7% of China's sugar imports; bonded warehouse entry and exit of goods the importation of 116,000 tons, up 2.2 times; processing trade imports of 45,000 tons , down 17.1%.

Three equal shares of state-owned enterprises and private imports. The first half of this year, sugar imports 358,000 tons of state-owned enterprises, up 3.9%; private sugar imports 320,000 tons, up 1.4 times over the same period accounted for two of China's total sugar imports 49% and 43.9%.

4, Cuba, Brazil and the ASEAN as the main source of imports. The first half of this year, China's sugar imports from Cuba, 282,000 tons, up 5.4%; from Brazil imports 190,000 tons, less than 1 thousand tons over the same period last year; from ASEAN imports 121,000 tons, an increase of 1.9 times. Since the three markets combined accounted for China's sugar imports in the same period 81.2%.

Sugar imports have surged this year, mainly due to: the domestic sugar production cuts, and domestic Sugar Significantly higher than the international price of sugar. Currently, the sugar of sugar production in 2008/2009 have been concluded, the sugar production of the national total of 12.431 million tons of sugar, compared with the previous cut 2.409 million tons of sugar. As the decline in domestic sugar production, sugar supply and demand caused tensions, domestic sugar prices continued to rise. According to statistics of China Sugar Association, as of the end of June 2009, key sugar enterprises (groups) in June 2009 the average product of sugar Sell 3665.4 yuan per ton. The June average price of imported sugar is about 2,500 yuan per ton, even with the transportation, processing, consumption, import duties and other cost factors, the import of sugar still has a strong cost advantage.

Concern is: Since the end of June this year, torrential rains in parts of Guangxi, many sugarcane flooded, which next year's sugar production is also a disadvantage. As of July 6, Guangxi Liuzhou sugarcane is expected to reach the affected area of the initial 12 acres, of which 70,000 acres of inundated area, an area of 6,000 hectares of crops. Guangxi is China's largest main producing sugar, raw sugar production accounts for more than 6 percent. Sugar cane has now entered into the middle of such remedial measures can not replant the next crop season of Guangxi sugar production will be significantly affected.


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One Response to “China's sugar imports in the first half surge – sugar prices – Food Industry”

  1. Ethan says:

    Hi there,

    May I know where I can get a list of the top 20 importer of refined sugar in China please? Also do you know where I can get statistics for import and export volumes from year 2000 to the current year?

    Best regards,

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