Jiangsu Administration of cable digital television fees – digital TV, cable TV, Jiangsu – HC network broadcasting industry
The first to implement the State Council "on the encouraging Digital TV Industrial Development of Policies "(Guo Ban Fa [2008] 1) the spirit of Our Province Cable television Digital Cause further promote Radio and TV Information network development, regulate the price of cable TV network operators, and maintain cable and cable digital TV users to the legitimate rights and interests of network operators, according to the "PRC Price Law," "Radio and Television Management Ordinance" and the National Development and Reform Commission, country SARFT "Basic cable ratings Interim Measures maintenance fees" and other relevant regulations formulated.
Second method applies to the province of the cable TV network operators and cable digital TV users in the price behavior.
Article Digital Cable TV fees to implement the government or government guidance and market adjusted pricing. Among them, the basic digital cable TV ratings for the maintenance and installation fees to implement government pricing; cable digital TV extension services, charges or market adjusted to implement government guidance.
Digital Cable TV fees to implement different levels. Provincial department responsible for developing the province price digital cable TV fee management, and development of the province belong to the scope of provincial integrated digital cable TV charges. Municipal, county (city) department is responsible for the price within the purview of cable digital television fees. Article
develop or adjust the basic digital cable TV ratings for the maintenance and extension services, the charges should follow the following principles:
(A) open, fair, efficient, maintaining the principle of social harmony;
(B) the cost of service and social sustainability principle of combining;
(C) promote the cable industry, the principles of sustainable development.
Article V of the government-priced basic cable digital TV viewing standards of maintenance fees, according to "Price List of Jiangsu Province," the provisions of the provincial pricing authorities in accordance with the "government pricing rules of conduct", "hearing the government pricing approach", in price cost supervision and examination performance and price development of the hearing procedures.
Implement government guidance extended digital cable television service fees, by the same level pricing department under the cable TV network operators operating costs and market demand conditions and capacity of authorized users. The implementation of government guidance extended cable digital television services include: basic viewing standards, maintenance costs and other end-viewing and maintenance costs, interactive digital TV basic service charge, the smart card (IC card) charges, parking charges, complex machine fees, transfer machine fees, opening and transfer fees, production cost and so on. The implementation of market adjusted
extension cable digital television services charges, the cable TV network operators under their own operating costs and market conditions determine the price the same level authorities and radio and television department for filing. Implementation of market adjusted extension cable digital TV services include: STB (Including rental) prices, pay programs (channels) costs, Television programs Demand fees, programs such as monthly charges or packages of services Other required fees and charges.
Article Digital Cable Television to develop or adjust the ratings of basic maintenance or extension of the implementation of government guidance service fees, usually by the cable TV network operators to submit a written proposal pricing department, and provide the following real and effective materials :
(A) the establishment or adjustment of charges of reasons, the level (amplitude) and the adjusted increase or decrease the amount of fees and charges;
(B) the establishment or adjustment of fees on users of cable television;
(C) the establishment or adjustment of charges related data, including financial statements and accounts for the cost of service calculations, statistics and analysis;
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