Staffing Agencies- the Best Way to Find a Job
These days it REALLY hard to find a job. Whether you’re in a metropolis like New York or the tiniest town in Kansas, there’s just not much out there. That’s where staffing companies come in.
With millions of people out of work right now, its no wonder why staffing companies are making a comeback.
A recession is a good thing for these companies! Why?
Because with so many people out of work, the number of people applying to open positions is ridiculous. Companies hate filtering through all of the applicants, so they turn to a goo staffing company to do it for them.
What does a staffing company do?
For one thing, they get insight into hiring companies that don’t want to open up the open positions to the public. In that sense, staffing agencies already have a one-up over the general public.
They then scour the local area for capable applicants for this job. This might be an executive job, or just some unskilled manual labor! Whatever the case, they look around to find people that will fit the position well.
Then the staffing company connects that potential employee with the hiring company. If things work out, everybody’s happy! The employee is making money, the company has a new asset, and the staffing company is making money.
So how do the staffing companies make money? They take a little bit off the top. So if a company is paying $25 an hour for the new employee, the staffing company might take $9 of that.
See why staffing agencies are so popular right now? In a sea of potential employees, you stand out because you have an expert helping you out.
The key is to do a GREAT job when you actually get into a position. You want to impress your employer- period. Not only so they keep you on for a few months, but possible for years to come!
You see many positions are “temp to hire”, meaning that the company might hire you if you work out well.
Good deal, right? And its all because you humbled yourself a little and worked with a staffing company to land the job.
Don’t be prideful and think you can find a great job by yourself. You might be successful, but chances are you’re going to struggle.
Instead, contact a good staffing company. You’ll be glad you put in the effort!
For some of the best companies, try Brooklyn Staffing Agencies or Washington DC Temp Agencies. Both have tons of great service!