Understanding the Search Function of Enterprise Video Software
Searchable enterprise video enables users to see and hear the content being presented. End-to-end video management software enables users to capture, share and search rich media content down to the spoken word. This article primarily discusses the search feature available in such software.
Search Functionality
By IDC’s estimates, organizations spend 20% of their payroll looking for knowledge. And 50% of the time, they don’t find what they are looking for. To overcome this limitation, this functionality helps to transform enterprise video into a valuable asset for any organization. It offers many benefits to users.
It turns previously inaccessible video into searchable data. It combines digitally recorded video, synchronized slides and scrolling transcripts to give users anytime, on-demand access to content. Users can find just the knowledge they need-at the presentation, topic or sentence level, eliminating time lost looking for knowledge.
This feature helps organizations to have unparalleled on-demand access to corporate knowledge. When user device is a computer or mobile device, is highly beneficial. Users can watch any video on-demand, download as mp3 audio, mp4 video or PowerPoint with embedded transcripts. Users can use RSS to automatically receive updates as they are posted or updated.
Full text video search, combined with synchronized slides and scrolling transcripts helps organizations to make every presentation a searchable presentation. The search functionality makes presentations a valuable and reusable on-demand asset. Users need only to search for the snippet of information they want and view on-demand or download the audio, video, or PowerPoint with embedded transcript that meets their current interest.
Organizational Benefits
Sales – Search functionalities are known to increases overall sales productivity by delivering the right knowledge, at the right time and to move opportunities forward.
Events – It provides a single platform for Virtual or Hybrid event that is a cost effective way to deliver compelling, interactive content to audiences.
Marketing – It helps marketing solutions to capture and delivers the knowledge and tools for marketing.
Training – Searchable video software helps to easily capture training from anywhere in the organization thereby lowering overall cost and streamlining content creation.
It is fit to say that an enterprise video powered with a ‘Search’ functionally provides complete solution for corporate knowledge sharing and on-demand access down to the point of interest.