Staffing Agencies- Beat the Recession!
Worried about how you’re going to put food on the table this month? Or maybe you have plenty of food in the pantry, you’re just worried about being able to pay the rent.
If its any comfort, know that you aren’t alone. Millions of people are unemployed right now. Tens of thousands of kids don’t get the food they need for a healthy diet. Thousands of homes are being foreclosed on all the time.
Let’s face it- times are really tough. There is some good news though. Staffing companies can find you a great job, and often within just a few days. How would you like to start the week without any job prospects and end up working Thursday or Friday in a great position for a decent wage?
Sounds pretty cool, right?
That’s the magic of staffing agencies! They usually already have a list of open positions at companies nearby, and are constantly trying to find new people to fill those positions.
This isn’t just manual labor kind of jobs either. These can range from unskilled labor to executive positions paying over 100,000 bucks a year! That’s not chump change!
So how does the process work?
Basically, companies get tired of filtering through applications. Especially since there are thousands of new applicants right now in this economy, and many of them are unqualified.
So what’s the solution? Hire a staffing agency to do it! They’re experts at hiring people anyways, so they’d know how to find the diamonds in the rough.
They talk to potential employees that might fit the position very well. Then they place that person in the position for a few days, and let the company decide if the person will work out.
If you’re that person, here’s the key to succeed- WORK HARD! Show that you’re willing to learn, work hard, and give the company more than what they ask for.
You really want to impress them so that they keep you on! That is, if you really need the money or really like the job.
If you like the job and the company likes you, then everyone wins! You get a paycheck, the company gets a new asset, and the staffing company starts making some money.
How? Well they take a cut off the top of your paycheck, kind of as a “finders fee.”
Still, getting $16/hour instead of the $25 you would be getting is MUCH better than being unemployed, right?
For some of the best companies, try Brooklyn Staffing Agencies or Washington DC Temp Agencies. Both have tons of great service!