Zhao Yu: Chinese wine culture and national culture fusion – wine, Zhao Yu – Food Industry

Zhengzhou, in the just-concluded national autumn sugar Wine At the meeting, Wine The level of activity exhibitors are much higher than the previous domestic and international wine brands account for a number of major hotels in Zhengzhou, Hotels Convention and Exhibition Centre and the main location. Not difficult to see the great potential of the Chinese wine market will lead to further intensified competition in the industry, but to promote wine culture will become the brand more and more attention.

Compared to foreign brands, the majority of our wine brands in the cultural building at only a surface, or copy the Western form of wine culture. Therefore, "China Wine report," China's wine economy in the third annual meeting that "to find Chinese wine style" theme, that the wine culture in China should have its own national character, to make China's wine culture is rooted in, based on the Chinese civilization, Chinese culture, in this basis build up our wine culture, wine can be imported under the impact of a firm foothold.

I once participated in several organized by a wine company wine promotion activities is the company called the International Wine Tasting Master of the people, by the master of the wine consumer to participate in activities to explain methods and Catering Wine Tasting manner in the presence of people holding a knife and fork, listen and learn. Despite the translation with the majority of consumers still unable to understand the specific meaning of the wine master, and even many consumers simply give up knives and forks instead of chopsticks, they feel a hand, carrying glasses, one hand to use chopsticks folder will be able to import food, so more convenient. This is different from the Chinese culture, a reflection of the West.

In addition, the Western taste for Chinese food more than one, so also in the wine with less red tape, but the Western food to yourself to deployment, after deployment of good, and then selected the wines with their own, in pursuit of a enjoyment of the process.

And a wide variety of Chinese food in the catering aspects of the wine more complex, from our own national culture has to start, then up the wine selections in this regard in the Chinese wine industry news network space is also great if we ignore this Differences copy the Western form of wine culture, not only forcing consumers to restrict China is one of the major wine promotion.

Therefore, to solve the problem of China's wine culture, the first is to solve the problems with cultural integration. Only into the national identity of the wine culture to the world and the multi-ethnic, multi-country's wine culture of dialogue and exchange.

National identity in the world is not out of the culture, and some only with each linked to a nation's traditional cultural forms. If we blindly copy foreign things, our wine culture, like Gao De and abroad, then I am afraid of the world's wine culture was very single. Of course, foreign wine culture does have a lot we can learn, we learn and respect all cultures, we need a national identity and cultural autonomy!

Not integrated into the national identity of the wine culture, either enterprises or industries Ye Hao, very difficult to develop on a high. Chinese wine to participate in the global competition, foster the domestic market players must be on the Chinese traditional culture and wine culture in-depth research and excavation.

Renowned wine expert, said Li Hua, China's wine If you want to achieve real international power, we must first of all to maintain the ethnic character of the natural characteristics of the local community, local cultural roots. The entirely French wine culture to dress up their own wine, using the French technique to deal with the growth of grapes in China is clearly Handan toddler, mere copycat-like replication and cloning, so there is no local characteristics of wine, without vitality.

Chinese wine culture in the end what should follow the development path? How should the majority of consumers accept? How should the wine culture in a foreign country surrounded by ocean broke through the? These issues should be serious consideration of every Chinese wine industry issues, it is also China wine China wine annual economic report of the fourth club to discuss the main topic.

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