Underwear creativity and promotion: strategies is more important than the stars – underwear, endorsement, promotion – the apparel industry

Celebrity endorsement has become a time-tested marketing strategy garment, underwear business the same way. Shopping malls, outdoor billboards, on the stars or handsome or charming appearance to attract people's attention, we have heard the discussion seems to be more for the star to the main body of the advertisement. Whether celebrity endorsements can become underwear enterprises to promote the brand killer? How can the star strategy use just right? In addition to celebrities, what can we do?

Different products, different results The stars to endorse products in the international arena can be seen everywhere, celebrity endorsements to promote the product really is a convenient and effective method, but not any of the products are applicable to this strategy. UTA Management Group U.S. General Manager of Greater China, Senior Consultant Yang Dajun that underwear brand whether to use the voice strategy depends on three factors, first, brand positioning, is positioning high-end or low end, and second, how the target groups in age, Third, the product category.

Yang Dajun said: relatively speaking, celebrity endorsement is more suitable for low-end underwear brand positioning; same time, the star for two girls under the age of more appeal, more than three-year-old woman will not be a star as idols. We can see that Nike, Adidas and other youth-oriented brand, their tactics have made a good star effect. So should first find out their own underwear brand positioning, if it is for low-end or for the young consumer group, then the endorser is an effective means of an open market.

In addition, celebrity endorsements bra for women's underwear and thermal underwear type role is not the same. Customers buy women's underwear bra category, the more attention underwear fabrics, comfort, and then through the tried and gradually on the brand recognition, it is a gradual process, so this type of underwear brand, please advocate for a relatively small, but like thermal underwear, underwear is more inclined to please health-care advocate, because similar products, price and marketing are very similar similar circumstances, the product through the voice into the market in a short time. But in fact this is not the correct way to do the brand, underwear is not similar to the rapid consumer health care products, must have a long-term, sustainable development planning. Voice-oriented differentiation

Voice is double-edged sword, choose not to correct, not only will not play a role in promoting the brand, it will affect sales.

Take underwear two cats and Lai Nai Xin rising star for the two brands are different cultures in order to Shu and Michelle Reis do endorsement. Shu is a very sexy show business stars, a cat who is very consistent fashion underwear, sexy brand culture; and Lai Nai Xin convey the brand idea is noble, taste, and Michelle Reis's temperament is glamorous and elegant, not ordinary people can similar, the two can find a good meeting point. Different brand culture, different voice, because they are the appropriate and to obtain the same good results.

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