Five initiatives to promote seismic upgrade electrical equipment – Electrical Equipment, Substation – Electrical industry

Experts through field research and seriously consider, on the reconstruction and future suggestions for network building. First is the standard of fortification equipment. Survey, substation equipment in seismic fortification intensity areas than more serious damage, the maximum earthquake intensity of up to 11 degrees, while the original fortification earthquake area is 7 degrees. In accordance with the provisions of GB50260-1996, 330 kV and 500 kV substation equipment fortification should be raised 1 degree, the overall consideration of the seismic zone in the vicinity Transformer substation Buildings and substation equipment seismic fortification intensity by 8 degrees. As the intensity of the earthquake intensity is less than maximum security areas have equipment damage case, it is proposed to carry out relevant research work on this.

Second, focus on equipment replacement selection. Recommended preferred low center of gravity, the top and light weight earthquake resistance structure benefit type of electrical equipment, such as GIS, HGIS, tank SF6 circuit breakers. In the product structure, equipment, steel bracket as far as possible; equipment, high-strength porcelain ceramic casing materials should be adopted, or use silicone rubber Bushing; using high strength ceramic pillars Insulator And Insulating sleeve Pillar for the insulation of electrical equipment; using natural frequency seismic waves with the general difference between the main frequency of large electrical equipment, but also shock absorber or damper can be used to change the device system frequency and damping ratio. Experts recommend that at 220 kV and above voltage class equipment, power distribution unit with tube-type bus, the bus should use a suspended aluminum tubes. If the electrical equipment and site conditions permit, consideration should be given by 3/2 form the main connection in order to improve the seismic reliability of connection mode.

Third, strengthen the research design. Experts believe that the 330 kV and above level of transformation equipment should be considered in the design seismic force the issue. It is understood that under normal circumstances are calculated using static or dynamic analysis method for evaluation of seismic capacity of equipment. Static or dynamic analysis calculated mathematical model or parameter selection may be related to actual differences, this will result in conservative or inadequate design. If the design of a conservative, would be an unnecessary waste; if design deficiencies, losses in the earthquake will cause. Earthquake level vibration test is a better method of assessment in addition, can verify the results of mathematical calculation.

Fourth Transformer Dynamic design. Earthquake damage to the transformer forms, mainly concentrated in the transformer insulating casing damage, because the insulating sleeve natural frequency in the frequency range of earthquake and therefore more likely resonance. Dynamic design with the future direction of further research and efforts should be in the seismic structure of transformer insulating sleeve and jacket materials to strengthen research and innovation, improve the seismic strength. At the same time, it is also the static design of the transformer and the transformer installed base design research.

Fifth, set up electrical equipment seismic laboratory. View of the current qualification of electrical equipment not equipped with seismic laboratory, electrical equipment design, product evaluation is to rely on calculation, not the actual assessment stood. To this end, suggested that the state set up electrical equipment seismic laboratory. At present, Xi'an has a national High Voltage Apparatus Quality inspection center, quality inspection center insulator arrester, power Capacitor Quality inspection center, a variety of electrical equipment can be carried out in Xi'an, type (shape) test. Therefore, we can consider an assessment of electrical equipment Xi'an earthquake seismic laboratory grade. In addition to electrical equipment for laboratory assessment of earthquake seismic rating, but also in the electrical equipment can play a role in seismic research and development.

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