Some Causes of Diabetes and Your Role in Controlling them
Every day doctors and scientists learn more about diabetes and what causes it. Today we know more about this disease and its causes than in the past few decades. We know now that in addition to genetic and non controllable situations that enviromental factors also contribute to this disease. So what are some of the major diabetes causes and what can you do about them? What things could you do? Throughout this article we’ve talked about diabetes and some of the causes that you may or may not be able to control.
During this article, information about what you can do about them will be discussed.
Even though type 1 is not considered hereditary, if someone in your family has it, you may have a genetic predisposition for the condition. So having a parent with the condition does not automatically guarantee that you will as well. Still though, it does happen from time to time. So if anyone in your family has type 1 diabetes be sure to discuss it with your doctor. Staying as healthy as possible is always a good idea, especially since you can’t fight genetics. Believe it or not, sometimes environmental factors can induce Type 1 diabetes. The most common example is when a person develops diabetes after having contracted a viral infection. A viral infection, however, does not mean that you will develop diabetes. Most likely, a viral infection is what would cause you to have diabetes if you weren’t born with it. The fact that viral infections are common can be scary when tied in with diabetes. But seeking medical attention when you don’t feel well can reduce the risk. You never know what could develop from a seemingly simple condition.
Do you eat a lot of foods that are high in fat? Stop now! Diets that contain a lot of fat are a major cause of diabetes. This is one of several reasons your doctor will instruct you to get rid of the fatty foods in your diet.
Fatty food is a horrible choice, no matter how you look at it. It can contribute to weight gain, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels and now we know it causes diabetes as well. Snacking once in a while won’t bring on the disease. Frequently consuming unhealthy meals, though, could be the biggest difference between being healthy and being a diabetic.
Diabetes is something that we can almost totally control now. Many of the causes of diabetes are common knowledge today whereas 20 or 30 years ago they were a mystery to us all. We now have the opportunity to see whether or not our lifestyles make us more likely to develop diabetes at some point in our lives. Thankfully if you do get diabetes there are plenty of options for treating and controlling it. Diabetes is no longer the mystery it once was. Diabetes is avoidable if you know the symptoms.
The Blogger is a blogger and has composed copious content on the net. Some of his works consists of a piece on the subject of diabetes and Symptoms Of Diabetes.