What Is The Fastest Way To Cut A Large Hole?
You have heard the old expression that “Time is money!” In the economy of today everybody is looking for the fast way to do things for less. Many people are willing to compromise quality for quantity. If the job can be done faster many people do not care if the project is of less quality. Why is that? Many people are concerned in making the quick dollar and are not interested in the long-term effects. However, if you have been in business for any length of time, you realize that quality is what makes a business perpetuate. Yes, you can make a fast dollar doing cheap work but what happens the next time your customer needs your particular service? Because of the lack of professionalism the first time, they are likely to look to another source for their needs. On the other hand, you do not want to disappoint your clientele by taking a lot longer to do the job than is necessary. So, how do you match professionalism, proficiency and profitability together? There are many things that can be discussed but in this particular article we will discuss the way to drill large holes faster without compromising precision.
This can only be accomplished by using an annular cutter. When it comes to thin materials something like a step drill bit will perform wonderfully, but what about materials thicker than 1/8 of an inch? Enter the annular cutter. This is an attachment for a power drill or a drill press that has the potential depending on its size to drill holes up to five inches in diameter! But why not use a metal hole saw? A metal hole saw can do the same thing and they are much cheaper. The design of the annular cutter makes it far superior to a conventional metal hole saw. The annular cutter is designed with precision-ground flutes on the outside of its circumference. These flutes provide fast and easy ejection of the particles and chips from the material that is being drilled. A regular metal hole saw does not have these flutes and many times teds to get choked up with the particles it is penetrating. Also, the annular cutter has tapered inner-wall that allows the slug from the material to be ejected smoothly and quickly after the drilling process is over. But, best of all, and what makes the annular superior over its competitors, is the combination of the many cutting teeth on the bottom and the flutes on the side; this cutter can cut holes up to fifteen percent faster than a metal hole saw! And, because the annular cutter is engineered with the greatest precision, not only can you drill a hole up to fifteen percent faster, you also have the assurance that your hole will be accurate.
So, next time you have a project that requires a hole in some type of thick material, discard that step drill bit for now and enjoy life with an annular cutter.
For more tips and information about annular cutter please visit: step drill bit