Mold, Lead Paint and Other Harmful Home Inspection Necessities

They say time heals all wounds. That may be true, but it has nothing to do with what I will be talking about. Time does just the opposite to real estate. If you are looking to buy a house that has been built a long time ago and/or has not been taken care of properly you might be in for an unpleasant surprise. The house might be contaminated! Things like mold and toxic paint aren’t always in plain sight; they might be hidden problems that you discover after it’s already too late. Fortunately, our inspectors can assist you in addressing these house aging problems and make them ancient history.

Smells damp in the closet? Something green in the bathroom? Is there a musty whiff in the basement? There might be mold growing in moist places around the house. Mold could be an indicator of a leaky pipe; a problem that should be fixed without delay. Molds produce allergens and have the potential to cause health problems including fever-type symptoms, congestion and skin rash. If you find mold, or any fungus for that matter, growing in your home you should contact your state or local health department immediately. A trained house inspector can readily point out where mold contamination has occurred because they are familiar with all the locations in a house where mold might be growing. Our inspector will then be able to assist you in finding a company which will get the mold removed.

Remember the good old days when everything was cheap and lead paint was the way to go? Well if your house was built before 1978 your family might still be haunted by this toxic substance. Nowadays deaths from lead poisoning are rare, but nevertheless, last year 28 children suffered a severe decrease in IQ due to lead paint inhalation and non deliberate consumption. Every home should be checked for lead paint by an expert.
Clean drinking water is also very important. Quality water is essential to maximizing a healthy life style. A leaky pipe or a chipping ceiling is definitely signs of trouble, but in the case of water, there might be virtually no indicator to help you spot the danger. Even though there are strict regulations set by the Environment Protection Agency(EPA) on the amount of contaminate allowed to appear in drinking water, your tap water might still be contaminated. Several counties around the nation are failing to meet the standards set by the EPA. As a result people are drinking more chlorine, lead and fluoride than their bodies can safely process. Water quality should be thoroughly checked out and if it is found out to be unsafe, the proper agencies have to be contacted immediately. Superior Home Inspection Services is now offering water quality testing for NY and NJ residents.

Nobody should have put up with sharing their families living space with health risks and hazards. Our inspectors can help you locate and get rid of all known common hazards so that you can kick back and breathe easy in your new home.

If you need a new construction home inspection, you can call us today. We are home inspector ny and home inspection nj. We’ll be glad to answer your questions and give you an instant quote. (212) 502-6688

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