Plastic bottle packaging products QS audit rules – plastic packaging, bottles – Food Industry

Professional Committee Food Packaging Materials General, to explain details of the supplementary Serial No.

articles on the topic to explain the relevant terms (modified) content 1 "General" Enterprise 3.1.2 supplementary application materials submitted: copy of business organization code certificate, by the filing of corporate standards. business license to allow food manufacturers to use plastic containers for food products, tools and other production license, its business license business scope covers only the production of food, and produced for own use

Plastic food containers and other products, no tools required. issued by the local environmental protection departments to meet the requirements of supporting documents. Relax Environmental protection That the requirements of the following are available: (1) environmental protection departments on the basis of the EIA report for the approval of construction projects on the business views and the views of factory acceptance after; (2) the discharge permit and noise requirements of proven compound; (3) Environmental monitoring report. Product type inspection reports.

(1) type inspection report completed by the companies themselves can also be commissioned by qualified inspection agency to complete, but it must be the same batch, that all the items reflected in a report.

(2) If the company can not provide the type of site verification inspection report, the verification team to the field verification work, but companies should be submitted within the stipulated time type inspection report, or submitted material as incomplete. product manuals or product labels.

Business products according to their characteristics, must explain impact of personal health and safety content, the other at a glance the content can be simplified, but not because of instructions or labels simplify the user inconvenience or injury.

63.2.2 companies try products must be designated by the State Administration of Quality Supervision Inspection body according to the provisions of the appropriate product details Pipi test.

General designated by the inspection body issuing eight items on the factory inspection test Pipi. "Enterprise test products," including new products and certified business enterprise by key products.

7 key enterprises do not have the ability to control the test items tested, should be sent every 3 months designated by AQSIQ inspection organ.

AQSIQ inspection organization designated by 86, the text refers to the designated inspection agency certification.

87.6 enterprises in the sample, the quality supervision and inspection or a complaint against the products failed the test project. Set out above "random, supervision and inspection" is the provincial supervision and spot checks, regular monitoring checks cities, national random inspection, special inspection.

9 "Rules" means the field for only a portion of the verification process of the production enterprises, such as bag making plant, separate packaging factory, assembly plant and other requirements 1, field verification, production equipment, testing equipment and other requirements of the process involves only contains content.

2, the production of such license certificate will indicate the limited product variety in the process.

3, on the bag factory-packing plant: type inspection report can be endorsed the report of its upstream business products; field verification sampling for certification after passing the required tests.

2.2.8 shop staff were established and the logistics of the channel access, personnel access should be disinfected, dust or air shower

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