The Determinants Of Health
The Public Health Agency in Canada claims to have learnt so much about the determinants of public health and now have a better picture of what to concentrate on in order to make sure that the citizens live healthier lives than they are currently living. Based on the research that has been previously done, health factors beyond the health system of the country affect the well being of the citizen. They allude that there are complex social interactions as well as economic factors and the physical environment, not forgetting the behaviors of individuals affecting the health of everyone at different stages of their lives. The influence of these health determinants affects the health of a nation since they do not exist individually but each has a connection to the other (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2001).
The Public Health Agency of Canada needs to use the findings of research on what determines the health of the nation so as to come up with the best strategies to deal with the problem of public health. The impacts of illnesses do not only affect the infected person but also the people around this person who are going to be affected by his situation. For example when one suffers from serious mental health problems, the people this person depends on for natural support will also be affected as well as all the people who will need to interact with this person. The Canadian Mental Health Association has been making significant efforts at trying to deal with the mental health issues in order to improve the situation in the country. They do this when they offer their support in the employment areas, their housing, the education services that these people have access to as well as giving social support and access to health services (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2001). These support efforts help the clients to quickly recover from their situation or adapt to their circumstances effectively and still be able to live a comfortable life.
Research has brought forth evidence that the income of an individual greatly influences their health status. This is because the higher the income of a person the higher his/her social status rises. In this case the person is able to afford to buy healthy food and the right amounts compared to someone from a poor background who cannot even afford enough food for his family let alone quality nutritious food. Stressful situations in life tend to affect the health of individuals especially depending on their ability to deal with these situations. When one has higher income and social status, they are able to deal with these situations more effectively than those with low income and social status. Evidence in Canada shows that the higher ranking Canadians exhibit better health than those in the lower social ranks (Frank, 1995). This shows that Canadians have longer or shorter life expectancy as well as sickness rates compared to how much money they make and what rung of social status they are in.
The other factor is social support networks. This implies the kind of relationships that one has with their families, friends, peers and society at large. When one has good relations with others around them, they find it easier to deal with difficult life situations. Good social relations inculcates in one self confidence and self esteem and they feel a certain amount of control over his life and this makes them stronger to deal with the situations that face them in life (Frank, 1995). These qualities seem to be able to keep sicknesses at bay. It is evident that people with a lot of social contacts do not die prematurely compared to those who do not have a lot of people to rely on in times of trouble and not being able to confide in someone your problems seem to end up in developing stress related illnesses from time to time(Public Health Agency of Canada, 2001).
The other determinant of health is biological and genetic endowment of individuals. This is one of the most fundamental determinants of an individual’s health. The genetic composition of a person determines how their bodies react to certain stimuli and their effects on their health status (Evans, 1994). This sometimes predisposes these individuals to certain health conditions as well as certain diseases termed as genetic. Neurobiological studies show that during development, the development process of the brain will affect the outcome in someone’s life. This is why some of the richest people also suffer from some diseases that defeat them to treat despite the large sums of money they possess.
Another determinant of someone’s health is their educational level and literacy. The education offered to people equips them with appropriate knowledge and skills that in turn enables them to develop problem solving skills and therefore are able to deal with so many situations effectively. This makes the information on healthy living and other health issues better understood and implemented by the educated people. Employment is also affected by the levels of education that someone possesses (Frank, 1995). The higher the education levels the better the employment and thus better living standards leading to better health. The more educated people also tend to practice healthier living behaviors than their uneducated counterparts. They tend to not engage in smoking, they workout more and eat healthier foods.