Sudden temperature drop, central heating can take action in advance – heating, boiler – HVAC Industry

Recently, Stone City, announced the number of quarters of the residents that they should cool weather approaches. As the concentration Heating Has not started, residents take a variety of self-heating methods.

Old home downstairs sun Recently, 13:30

Hsu, 34 quarters in the stone city railway, fifty years old for Fang carrying a small chair, sitting in the sun to their own children in downstairs. "See inside the sun, too cold, not warm as the sun came out." Fang said, he lived in the most western unit of the East Gate, the whole house only one room can shine light without the sun place will be especially cold.

64-year-old aunt collection of firewood for heating

Recently 14:00, author Shi Shi City, District 44 Donglou 64 years ago to see Ms. Lee, she is dragging a bundle of branches have been labeled as their own little room to walk. Ms. Lee said that she lived in the district for 12 years, winter in previous years, all the way to their coal-fired heating. But the district this year to implement central heating, Ms. Lee would be no coal reserves for the winter. Now a cold but not to the heating times, Ms. Lee had to pick some branches heating kettle.

Electric Heating, thick coat battle Ms. Wang had to wear thick cotton-padded clothes people had. "I'm usually not very go out, stay at home on the Internet. From the day before yesterday and suddenly cool, and down the snow, cold room, could not stay, I had to put out electric heating." Ms. Wang said that although the electric heating allows local temperature becomes higher, but the room temperature is very low, so she can not leave all day long jacket body.

Heating When companies need to follow the unified arrangement of heating Aiming at low temperatures

Shijiazhuang, we eagerly look forward to the early heat of the situation, the author interviewed the relevant heating sector.

Shijiazhuang Dongfang Thermoelectric Group Co., Ltd. Heat staff said there "has completed the overhaul of equipment and pipe network and eliminating defects, ensuring 15 November heating." Can the problem early on heating, the staff said to obey the unified arrangement of municipal heating sector.

Hebei Huadian Group Co., Ltd., said heating, thermoelectric and Yuhua Shijiazhuang Thermal Power Unit Maintenance has been completed, part of the pipe network is under way. "The current progress is in accordance with the November 15 the heating time." From the current situation, has not yet reached immediately heating conditions.

Heating sector multisectoral consultations ahead of heating required

Stone Municipal Development Department staff told the author heating, Shijiazhuang city, there are self-heating and central heating in two forms, the central heating where heat can not reach, the way to self-heating. In the stone city, central heating generally scheduled on November 15 each year, instead of temperature to determine the heating period.

Beijing was on November 1, with heating conditions that have been residents of small areas in advance heating, felt, heating Stone City Development and Reform Commission Department of anonymity, a staff analysis, Shijiazhuang and Beijing The situation is different, although both are mainly central heating, but the specific heat differ. Beijing heating using small Boiler Majority, is relatively easy to start; while heating water network Shijiazhuang start up some relatively trouble. In addition, contingency plans ahead of time can start heating, whether to start the various departments have to rely on the city to negotiate.

Sa particular concern has been advanced from the district heating heat

Recent morning, Mr. Hu who lives Zhuoda scholarly Park to the author on the happy phone call: "My family began to heat up the heating!"

Recently, the author of a push open the door of Mr. Hu was able to obviously cozy warmth. "Last night began heating, children began to sleep when my wife is also covered with two blankets, middle of the night feel hot, I actually looked up and there is heating up. The morning Liu Waner, district heating where residents say things in , are very happy. "Hu Speaking of heating things, smile from ear to ear.

I see that Hu family room thermometer shows the temperature reached 21 degrees. Zhuoda scholarly Park property manager Ma introduced, at 21 o'clock on the the 1st to 22 pm, Zhuoda scholarly Park, Zhuoda Zhuo East Community Garden and more than 8,000 households have been gradually heating in advance. "Considering the weather changes unexpectedly, the elderly and children are likely to bear, so give it three quarters since the early heat up the heating, and will continue until the end of winter, the resulting costs borne by the company."

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