Solving Text Formatting Issues For Your Print Brochures

One of the most annoying problems in brochure printing and design are those little formatting issues when it comes to text. Sometimes when you try to print brochures,  some text just won’t fit in certain panels and it can screw up the whole layout in the process. If you are having some of these problems, then I have some great text formatting tips listed below just for you. It is easy to adjust your text with a few tricks known by brochure printing professionals. Just read on and see if some of their great text formatting tricks can work on your problems.

• Orphans and Widows – One of the most typical problems when it comes to formatting text in color brochures are paragraph line orphans or paragraph line widows. These are basically the lines of text from a paragraph that are “left out” so to speak at the end of the page or at the start of a new page. These are called orphans and widows. When this happens in your custom brochures, it will look a bit clunky and most people consider this it unprofessional way to layout a brochure.

To make sure that this does not happen to you always set your text to “keep those lines” together. All the major desktop publishing applications that use text management systems have these special paragraph formatting rules which you can set. Just look for it and initialize it to eliminate these orphans and widows.

• Single lines and double lines (and things in between) –  Now, if your brochure content is too small or too large for your design dimensions, the easiest thing to do to re-adjust that content is to set the paragraph line spacing to specific values. If you are in need of more space, then I suggest that you set your paragraph line spacing to single lines. If however your content is a little bit short for a whole trifold brochure, then you should try setting it to double lines.

Take note that you can also set the line spaces to any value in between those two settings. Moreover, some software even support triple paragraph line spacing just in case you may need it. Whatever you use, you should be able to quickly adjust the length of your content, to fit any kind of size that you need.

• Use those point values – Next we go to font size. If you notice most of the size options for fonts in desktop publishing software are usually in standard points that are mostly precise whole numbers and are typically even. While most of the time this works, sometimes, brochure printing content will not fit in precisely with your layout with those values. You can easily remedy this situation though by setting those point values precisely. Do not just choose from the drop down list of size choices. Key in the exact value that you need to fit your content precisely.

So instead of using a 12pt or a 14pt font size on your text , you should consider using a 12.5 or a 14.25pt font size that will make the size of the text just perfect.

• Adjusting text or character tracking – Finally, you can also try to adjust the spaces between each characters in words if you want to be precise with your formatting adjustments in your brochure content. You just need to bring up the controls for adjusting tracking or character tracking in your software and then typically enter a percentage value of 1% to 600% give or take. These values design the standard distance each character has with one another. You can use this to stretch your text longer or shorter, depending on your needs.

Great! Hopefully with those tricks, you should be able to solve all the text formatting problems you have and fit all the brochure content into your design layout precisely with no crowded text or too much open spaces.

This article aims to provide the reader comprehensive ideas  and tips  from your print brochures.

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