Chenzhou, Hunan: accelerate the development of printing, and other cultural industries – Hunan, Printing – Printing Industry

Relative Hunan province, the culture industry is still relatively Chenzhou lag. However, after years of efforts, Chenzhou City, such as "bits and pieces" as the culture industry is showing a great vitality, culture as an industry began to "take root." When the city of Chenzhou City, horn sounded strong culture, we look forward to a cultural industry development, "Spring."

Cultural needs of the resources, industrial development needs basis. As Chenzhou City, the fact the two are in place.

The integration of culture and tourism and cultural tourism industry in Chenzhou City, with some effects. "Blessed Chenzhou, Landscape with a blessing" tourism slogan, Chenzhou the world 18 blessed with the "blessing" the development of cultural forces have been constantly enlarged, Chenzhou, Hunan Tourism became a "dark horse." But look at China, or the degree of influence regardless of brand, our tourism and cultural industry, there are many way to go.

To develop tourism and cultural industries, we have to base their own advantage, to continue to in tourism development in the integration of cultural elements to further promote the city's tourism industry to upgrade, the eco-tourism and cultural tourism red, folk culture tourism, sports, fitness tourism, mining tourism and love combine tourism, culture, supporting a number of leading tourism enterprises, to expand the breadth and depth Tourism and Culture.

People I have, people have my special, is a place for tourism and cultural industries personality. Chenzhou Chenzhou rocks culture has distinct characteristics, after eight years of efforts to build a rocks-and-coming street?? Rocks the city of Chenzhou Prefecture thick. At present, we have to further improve quality, improve grades, good plans, the rocks combine culture and tourism development, so that rocks to play its due role in culture.

The development of cultural industries, we should insist on the protection and development of walking on two legs. Protection of the authentic, traditional culture preserved and passed along, we must develop on the basis of inheritance, break in line with market demand and industrial development of the new road.

A very typical example is the art of Chenzhou City, Xiang Kun. Xiang Kun Kun as a non-material cultural heritage received extensive attention, there are some excellent award-winning productions, many go abroad to participate in performances, received a warm welcome. But in Chenzhou local audience of more than special. So to keep to the public, to market, we will further increase the intensity of innovation, and strive to popularize art of creation and innovation combine, piece of art treasures to shine.

Upgrade industrial structure adjustment is essential for tourism and cultural industries. Chenzhou City, the cultural industry should be based on cultural tourism, performing arts and entertainment, culture media, Print Copy, culture, exhibition, focusing the promotion of cultural adjustment of industrial structure upgrade. Now and quite a long time to achieve breakthroughs in the following work: to fully tap the uprising in South of Hunan Chenzhou City, represented by red culture to the ancient shrine, the ancient folk culture as represented by residential areas, to innovation and development; with City Performing Arts Center as a platform, into the Chenzhou history, culture, regional culture and cultural elements of southern Hunan, the masses love to create, market acceptance of cultural programs; encourage and support the gradual integration of the relevant market song and dance ensemble performing arts resources, to the market and expand the performing arts industry; continuously improve the media system to combine journal newspaper to run the radio, run programs with the media Advertisement , Creativity, planning together, bigger and stronger media industry; further increase investment, improve policy support and actively promote the construction of the Group, formed when conditions are ripe to Chenzhou Daily, Chenzhou Daily News as the main newspaper group, actively bid "Nanling Metropolis"; set up radio stations, TV Taiwan, the film company as the main body of Chenzhou Radio, Film and Television Group; actively develop mobile newspaper, digital media, mobile media, Network Media and other new media; high priority operations and the Internet Management Integration of the city's network resources, the establishment of "Nanling Network" portal.

Chenzhou City, the cultural industry is rich in resources, we need to optimize the layout of cultural industries, so cluster in groups, to build a number of different characteristics, integrated development of cultural industry parks and industrial clusters, play a scale effect: Xinda Silver The Silver Museum as the main building of the "China Cultural Industry Park Silver"; to love Lianhu scenic spot as the center and the construction of performing arts, leisure and culture as the main content of the Performing Arts Industrial Park; to Yongxing anling College as a platform to establish high side forum, training, leisure culture as the main content of anling Industrial Park; to Gospell Digital Technology Co., Ltd. as a leader, to establish Electronic Information Culture Industry Park; to provide quality Yu Backstreet transformation as an opportunity to establish folklore food culture exhibition center. Chenzhou City, the cultural industry is rich in resources, but the development of cultural production to the capital small, so we should combine market-oriented and public welfare, government investment and financing social combine resources and capital for the "marriage" and into a virtuous cycle.

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